Super Turbo revival in NYC at Next Level

ST is rarely involved. Not enough players to run a tourney. On fridays the busiest day, there are only a few people that play ST and I’m among them. I compete with an employee Ben Fong there most of the time, fun games.
Henry Cen (the owner of next level) would be kind to accommodate to ST players. However, the gamers go to compete for recent games.

The ST cabinet has 16 games in 1 board. ST is in there.

P.S. If you Cali players visit to NYC NL, let me know. I will get games started and give you fellas directions to reach there.

im going saturday to play st havent been in NL in a long time

Hmmm. Is it possible for one of you to run basic ST tournaments on Fridays? If there’s a low number of entrants, you could always run a round robin tournament. It’s something to help get guys showing up consistently to play ST and organize your scene. You could post up videos, pictures, tournament brackets, and hopefully other players take notice and start showing up in the future.

it happened before when they changed it into 17 and 1 i think they stopped only because they placed HSF2 on it instead of keeping it ST the only way i would see someone doing that if they bring like a setup. i would use my laptop to stream and play st off of but ima need to talk to ben fong about using his net to do it.

I’m gonna be in town next weekend and want to play some ST, what’s the deal? Are there still tournaments? I don’t care so much I just wanna play. I’m coming with a friend as well so count 2 dudes in.

ST this friday @NL
Free drinks on me to ST players

Going today. Let’s make this happen friday ST.

Good games yesterday with a hand full of ST players.
I will show up for the ST beer event next friday.

rainy day, might show.

This friday

Good games tonight with Damdai, Josh, Andre, and another dude.

ST friday tonight

Great games tonight at Next Level with all the ST players. Josh Andrew Damdai Akuma and Duwayne

Tonight ST

How many people usually go? It’s kind of a drive for me so I usually wait for the tournaments, but I heard that Flash wasn’t running them anymore?

A handful of players. 7 tops

Hey guys, so the best day to come for ST is on Friday? Is it on a consistent week to week basis? Just curious as I havent had the chance to go to Next Level yet.