Super Turbo revival in NYC at Next Level

Ranbat is today!!!

Hello guys,it’s been a long time since I post on due to this new SF4 trend. Anyways, this new Next Level Arcade sounds good now that they have GMC, and I’m thinking about going today Saturday, 16. So, can anyone explain to me how does it work? when you pay $10, you get to play the whole day? and as much as you like? or do you get to play until somebody beats you and then you go the the back of the line, and wait for your next turn? What’s the best time to go to find good competition? and last but not least I really need someone who knows how to play Dictator, so I can learn a few tricks, :-). My main character is Zangief, but I’ve been playing Dictator and Fei long lately, and they seem to be a lot of fun. So, I’ll be there today playing GMC, if anyone from here is going it would be good to know to play a few rounds, see you there guys. :-).

^ yea when you pay 10 dollars your paying for the entire day that your there your also allowed to go to the store and etc as long as they know who you are
as for the GMC sometimes they play best 2 out of 3 or they play by 1 game.(note all of the arcades machines are free as for tv area play bring your own controller or stick)

ranbat is today 6/22!

im bringing my laptop to do some Live ST streaming this saturday bring your stick or controller for fun fun fun

Saturday may be a good day to show up. I need the practice.

I look forward to the comp today i need practice

Any chance somebody could bring a droid charger too battery is about to die. Any help is appriciated.

ggs to damdai rizone mars janus and furntree for the sessions was pretty great today

I’m glad that the machines came in. I’ve been playing this game nonstop over ass edition. You guys will either see me play magic, mod sticks or this at Next Rebel

Ggs to all today. Had a blast. Looking forward to seein everybody again. Ps. Sorry i took more then 2 tries a couple times, i tried overcomin the odds against you godlike mofos lol. Godbless guys.

ggs last night too bad i missed the ranbat but was hype as hell

ggs damdai, rizone, marsgatti, furntree, mikeidge

GGs, thanks again for coming guys!

Ranbat is tonight!

Post your next ST visits to next level here. I will show up.

There are ranbats every friday.

Results thus far. About 3 weeks left in ranbat season. Thanks to everyone has been coming.

Ranbat is today.

^ Cool, I will try the jp sticks that I’m not used to. So don’t laugh guys

Option select excuses?