great games yesterday and @ furntree yep the time in the lab is paying off man
im down for friday
great games yesterday and @ furntree yep the time in the lab is paying off man
im down for friday
I’m down for friday as well mike! What time were you thinking about?
Same time I think 4-5ish
The cab is great. It looks amazing and plays amazing. Of course the sticks and buttons could be better but that’s not a big problem. Who is interested in an ongoing 3v3 series? We can even do things like Nakano Royal format too.
I should be able to work with that time mike. I get out of work in manhattan at 430 can probably be at NL a little after 5. I know megaman gets out of work a little later than me but I don’t know the specifics.
That would definitely be awesome for later down the line. I think for right now getting everyone situated and maybe some simple ranbats would be a great option.
Sticks and buttons are in perfect order right now. I replaced the bad parts last Saturday. And if I’m there, I’ll always have additional parts.
That is awesome. Can’t wait to hit Next Level again.
ima be there kinda late around probably 8:30 or 9 if not we can make a run on saturday if possible
friday is looking good. should have the east coast “legends” damdai and riz0ne in attendance as well.
You guys should setup a stream.
yes i wish i had the equipement to do it
Could you guys at least record the matches? I’m pretty interested to see how you guys over in NYC play.
I would totally be down to setup some stream technology. Do you think you can make a homemade jamma video/audio splitter mike? I know its split already for the H2H setup but what if we did a 3rd dogleg with component video connectors and RCA or unbalanced 1/4inch audio jacks then going into a capture device or maybe convert the video to composite? Someone correct me if that wont work haha but it should right? I know you also do live sound mike so maybe if we get a small mixer and a couple mics henry might let us use the computer that hes used in the past to stream, I think he even has a couple SM58s laying around if i recall. I think hes been using HDMI input for the video through an ATI all in wonder card (or similar) so we would probably need some kind of PVR or other capture device to make this work. I made a crappy diagram of my signal flow if it helps at all! If anyone else has some ideas let me know! Also im not the most acquainted with Henry personally so I wouldnt be best one to talk to him about it! haha
(EDIT- DOH I forgot there is sync output as well so we would need some form of video converter this idea is more tricky than i thought >_>)
ST is really the only fight game I play seriously if it’s always at NL I’ll be there almost every weekend and maybe a few MM’s to get people hype…unless you’re Damdai.
Damdai is like Godzilla, got the whole east coast scared.
No need to record anything. Just come and play.
Aww yeah ST tonight get hype! I’m probably getting out of work around 430 and will need to stop home first. So I’ll most likely get there between 6-7 and I can play until they kick us out. Can’t wait to get bodied by damdai! haha
Uhh I can stream this, just tell me what hardware I need to add to my already existing setup. I know I’m going to need a expensive piece of equipment just to do this.
Sat May 26 or sun 27. Anyone want to meet up?
i’ll be there on saturday