<roybisel> i was doing everything too fast for a long time, damn ggpo had me conditioned.
<roybisel> had to slow down
<afro legends> yeah ggpo is faster
<afro legends> it throws me off too when i play offline
I think arcade JP T3 speed falls somewhere between T0 and T1 on GGPO. I prefer playing at Turbo 0 anyway, it feels a bit smoother especially given that it’s online. It’s kind of funny that back in the day Turbo 2 was the standard on GGPO until Ponder changed the default save state to Turbo 1 (a good thing, of course).
I have a question: can the “real” Akuma be made playable just by changing memory, or editing the ROM? I mean that with ease, that is, without editing several parts of the code.
A hack was actually recently released that makes CPU-style Akuma playable. It’s not complete however, you’ll notice some weird things happen when attempting to use certain specials, and the strength of his specials depends on the strength of the normal you last performed (gee, where have I heard that before?). But yes, it seems to be something that requires editing several bits of code.
I need to check and see if an updated version has been released yet.
I haven’t compared Shin Akuma’s hitboxes with regular Akuma’s yet, but regular Akuma does have a few ridiculous hitboxes. Notably his far standing medium kick and his vertical jumping hard kick.
I just checked now, Akuma basically has Old ryu hitboxes on his moves, hdr akuma has the same jump attacks, but his crouching kicks are the same as other shotos
Any new possibilities with the HUD, Pasky? I know you’ve been tooling with all sorts of other games, but the ST HUD is really great for testing out some things. I’ve used it enough that I find myself looking for nonexistent dizzy meters without it. (If there was one thing I could add to ST…)
Also, did anyone ever figure out what causes the reversal errors with:
-Ken’s, Dhalsim’s, and Sagat’s supers
-T.Hawk’s Rising Hawk (both N. and O.)
-O.Dic’s Devil Reverse
-O.Gief’s full-screen Siberian Suplex
-O.Chun’s fireball speed
I haven’t touched it. I’m currently working on Guilty Gear’s box viewer. Then I’ll probably write the GGPOFBA box viewer. I’ve also got Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 boxes and Capcom Vs. SNK boxes in the works.
O.Gief’s reversal hitbox was discovered by dammit and pretty sure it was just a rollover error by the programmers.
I’m too lazy to reverse ST lately, I’ve moved on to a lot of other games. If there was something significant to discover, I may turn my head back to it.