That’s been possible without this. Just edit the hitbox data and move data. I wouldn’t play any fan remix anyways.
Is not there a table with stage sizes? Also, how can one explain the different stage speeds? Can Vega be made to grab his stage fence like in older games? Can Blanka activate the handle in Gief’s stage? Can Ryu uppercut Cammy and make her fall in the pit? Is djf the guy caught doing real life SRKs while a girl waits to get banged?
lol…no idea on vega grabbing the fence. Stage speeds is probably a cpu/graphic issue since it’s so miniscule. I’m sure it was unintended. I’m sure stage size is stored somewhere.
I’d love to have access to a CPS2 version of HDR, if for no other reason than to preserve it as an option once this generation’s consoles go out of style.
Adding dipswitch-type options in the service menu, a tournament mode of sorts with included brackets…those are other changes that would be nice to have, if possible.
Back to the subject at hand, thanks again for your hard work, Pasky. What other real mysteries are there left to crack in the game?
I’m not a great fan of keeping every HDR changes.
It would be much better than HDR though given that it will not have ugly graphics, sound effects and additional input lags.
The change of motions for sim/gief/fei etc have to go.
Probably the only thing worth doing is make claw dive not knocking down and add 1 frame of start up to low RH tiger.
OTOH if anyone is talented enough to make a true remix like giving some characters new moves for those 2-8 matchup, that would be cool to play around with.
honda can use a absorb fireball move
Only good change in hdr was crazy kick change…lol
I’m more than happy to discuss HDR stuff at length in the proper forum. The last I’ll say about it here is that it has a lot of good innovation, but it also has some real head-scratchers and not enough good purist options for graphics and sound effects. It’s still at least 90% ST, and 100% SFII. Whichever you prefer, more power to you, so long as you’re actively playing it in a community.
Pasky, there are no sheep here, and you didn’t address the one point that actually mattered to your topic regarding mysteries.
Boxer’s headbutt
Boxer’s super
Dhalsim’s super
Ryu’s super
Walk up super
old shotos.
Also I think wall dive hitbox’s property is more important than it knocking down, and I think adding recovery and lowering the dizzy on medium and roundhouse tiger would be better.
But yeah I don’t think changing anything would actually help, look at Brawl+.
Pasky, do you think you can explain how old gief’s glitch grabs at full screen? I understand its a reversal bug and all, but how does the throw box on it reach the opponent?
-trolls suck-
The throwbox is the entire screen.
Dammit already did it
Not so miniscule since UC hates to play in “faster” stages than the “normal” ones, he goes as far as banning certain stages LOL
That’s just a GGPO issue on those stages, mr. Duck King. I’m sure someone who has a half brain would bother explaining it to you, if you weren’t such a blabbering fool.
O geif? you guys must be talking about that amazing player from ggpo, MaxAuto. That guy is really on another level.
How the hell did that get fucked up like that!? Wow at the whole screen.
That’s Capcom for you. ST is actually just a hacked and rushed version of SX:GMC.
That was actually when Capcom was good. Hell, look at SF4, or even better, what SFvT is turning to…
Note that only the world version of ST allows those o.Zangief 360+HK glitch properties (which originated from US SSF2’s 360+MK). US ST doesn’t have this issue. That said, I agree that JP X is a good standard to stick with when available.
O.Gief approves! At the very least, it’s got the best logo of any of the SFII games. If anyone were to sell a black t-shirt with that big “X” on it, they’d make a killing