Haha yeah I got my hot keys down mouse gotta stay on the map/minimap at all times! That is pretty tight to have an app though for that cuz it’s a pretty important thing to learn starting out!
Oh and props on the correct usage of xbox in its plural form!
I never paid attention to the trial, but I got a recap from a friend. This isn’t anything special. It’s a murder trial. She isn’t a celebrity, she’s not important, and the murder isn’t super fucked up. The jystice system has deemed her not guilty, moving on with mah fightan gaems
Seriously though, the house is a wreck so bare with me. Also, Bring setups people, cuz I’m not sittin around with my thumb up my ass for hours. Plus FTTTTT is gonna take a minute, so I doubt you will want to watch the whole thing (just the part where I eat my free tacos).
The purpose of multiple monitors is to have multiple setups of games others will play. LOL BBCS2 is gonna have You and Adonis…and James after I whoop him off the other decent games.
Logan what’s your ID? I will try and add you. If none of that works then I can add you from Mike J’s friends list (that’s how I had to add him but with Mike G’s friends list. Why does Steam hate me? It’s cause I didn’t pick RobJARV that’s why!!)
EDIT: Wait, does it really say my name is rob.jarvis? Because when I’m looking at my account my accoun name is Jahvis. (with an h!) soooo maybe try that? Shenanigans. Shenanigans I say!
In other news, Level 19 in B-Lands and got my first Class mod. What’s up Sirenz? Get on my level! My sniper rifle makes midgets EXPLODE! And my bat bird is on fire. Or electrocuted. Whichever one I pick lol.
Why is it too that I feel like I’m doing worse at SC2 after watching some Day[9] daylies about mechanics/macro/mental checklist/hotkeys/etc.?
Steam works in a wacky way for some reason. You have an account name, and a…second account name. The first is what you use to log in, the second is what your name is displayed as to others and in-game. My account name is ‘mrcrashcoarse’ (bought from a friend a long time ago) and the display name is ‘Miyomei’, so it might be either one you need to add. Either way, both Jarv and I are accessible through Mike J’s friends list.
GG’s tonight. Fuck Blanka, hahaha. No but seriously, glad we have someone that plays him, we need more character diversity around here. Speaking of which…
she is worst than OJ since killing a two year old trumps killing a old white woman everyday especially when u dont even report your own two year old missing but your mom does after u cant tell her where the hell your child is. In my mind with something like that the need for evidence is moot. How in the fuck do u lose a two year old and just not give a fuck. Then just get off scout free. Shout outs to florida always trying to one up cali. Shout out to white women invincible in 2011?
Also its jarv jarvis is way too black for jarv i think it puts too much pressure on him to pass a drug test for welfare.
i will try to add everyone sometime this week and if i get too caught up in game u can add me through ron’s friends list.
Its the account name you Need to add so I’ll hit that up later
And JARV you’re prob doing worse because you’re trying to focus on too many new things at once, or implement a big change that you’re not used to. It’s normal to be slower at first like for example if you start making yourself use hotkeys but you don’t know them all quickly yet, but it’s worth it. Kinda like switching to an arcade stick from pad although that’s debatable since it isn’t really clearly better like implementing new mechanics in sc.
It’s real easy though if you focus on something new to forget something like making enough supply depots etc, which will negate the benefit of the new mechanic til you can do both , if that example makes sense.
No offense, Jay, but your rant about the whole thing is silly. This justice system is designed to make it harder for the guilty to he put in jail so the innocent ard far less likely to be imprisoned. The prosecution didn’t have enough evidence to say beyond a reasonable doubt she did it. Her lawyer was practically asleep at the trial and the verdict was nit guilty, that’s how bad the prosecution’s case was.
Rants like " She did it! Why isn’t she in jail! Our court/justice system sucks!" are silly and.usually either misinformed or biased. I’ll admit what she did was super shady, but that doesn’t land you in jail.
Also, GG’s last night. Blocking Logan’s mixup’s for 5 seconds straight felt nice
Yo just wanted to say thx to all the guys I met last night. You guys seem like an inviting bunch of really chill fellas. What a needed wake up call to show how scrubby xbox live has made me. I’m so reinvigorated in fighting games thanks to last night; if it looked like I was blanking out there near the end it’s cause I was up at 6 am yesterday to go elbow deep in dead people…I really did have a good time. I look forward to improving with this tally scene and seeing you guys on Thursday, catch you guys then. That’s when the big mean green machine will be in top form!
P.S. If anyone wants some professional black ops gaming, me and my old MLG partner are running black ops on the 360 around 6:30 pm tonight. You can be on our team and get some free wins
P.S.S. I’m thinking about switching to fei long, he looks so beast in AE…