PSN ID - Funkybeans
Location - Vancouver, BC (west coast)
Availability - Whenever
Character - Balrog, Ryu, Akuma, Abel, Bison, Rufus
Mic - Yes, dont use it though
PSN ID - Vsh4d0w91
Location - Geneseo, IL (about 2 hours west of Chicago)
Availability - Whenever, on day’s I’m working probably 8pm CST
Character - Balrog, Akuma
Mic - Yes
I’m just starting to practice things like footsies, so I’m not fantastic, but feel free to hit me up for matches.
PSN ID - Quinnfap
Location - Ontario, Canada
Availability - Most nights
Character - Sagat, Cammy, Ryu
Mic - Yes (but not always used)
PSN ID - Makai
Location - Atlanta, GA
Availability - Usually between 10pm-1am on weekdays, randomly on weekends
Characters - Dudley, Boxer
Mic - Occasionally
PSN ID - Thiediev
Location - Twin Cities, Minnesota
Availability - Whenever
Character - Juri
Mic - No
Add me so I can stop being below average! =)
PSN ID - RemnantLOL
Location: New York City
Availability - Anytime after 12 PM EST.
Character: Sakura
Mic: Nope
PSN ID-Scorpyn702
Location-Las Vegas
Available-Everyday All Day
PSN ID J_Blaze31
Location - Troy, MI
Availability - Afternoons and Nights (Mon-Thurs)
Characters Used - M. Bison
Got a Mic? - No
psn id = meatdust
location = florida
availability = i work 5-10pm im on afternoons or nights usually
characters used = balrog, bison, ryu, cody, makoto, sagat, sakura
got a mic = need one
psn id = meatdust
location = florida
availability = i work 5-10pm im on afternoons or nights usually
characters used = balrog, bison, ryu, cody, makoto, sagat, sakura
got a mic = need one
PSN ID: fanboyyy
Location: Southern California
Available: Mon-Sun, between 9AM-2PM, 8PM-12AM
Characters: Ryu, Ken, Ibuki
Mic: Y
Psn: Omegax9000
Location: Tucson,Arizona
Available: If I ain’t online i’m working out.
Characters: Bison,ken,viper
psn id = Xenoz30
location = PR US
availability = Varies
characters used = Ryu, Blanka, Seth, Honda.
got a mic = Yes
Trying to break the average barrier.
wenever i just wanna play
psn id = ucg_kilo
location = Las Vegas, NV
availability = everyday, usually around afternoon or late night PST.
characters used = Rose, Hakan, Dee Jay (3 main) I really use whoever.
got a mic = No. Prefer not to hear random talking and button slamming in my ear
PSN ID: Ruisu107
Location: North Carolina
Available: Mon-Fri, between 9AM-2PM, or anytime between 4PM-8PM
Characters: Balrog, Cody, Juri, Ryu, Sakura (no particular order, also go random a lot)
Mic: Yes
PSN ID: Bluddtheersty
PSN ID: Bluddtheersty
Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE
Available: Sun-Fri, around afternoon or late up in the night
Characters: Makoto, Hakan, Ryu
Mic: Oh yes
PSN ID: Bluddtheersty
Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE
Available: Sun-Fri, around afternoon or late up in the night
Characters: Makoto, Hakan, Ryu
Mic: Oh yes
Its really not planned out. We should just get people together and play some endless with each other since no one is doing much