Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Thread (Good Games, Matchmaking & Discussion)

If you still need a sparring partner im u for it, im not pro or anything but I would like to achieve to tournament level.

I added everyone with he exception of PK Fong(Didn’t leave his PSN) and Rice 247(Maximum friend limit)

I’m also looking to increase my skill level, although I only have vanilla for now. I will have Super this weekend though. I’m FalxX on PSN. I look forward to fighting you all.

oh sorry lol my psn name is Limit_Breaker707

I’d play you in vanilla as well, Just add me up.

I’d be willing to join in. I’m not very good yet and trying to Learn my TE fightstick that i just got today. I’ll add you on PSN then :smiley:

I got the add, We can go right now :slight_smile:

Anyone with a bluetooh / headset is also welcome :slight_smile:

I’m trying to get nice with M. Bison, so if anyone is down for fights I can be added as well. I’m new to the forums and all, ya dig, so I am in need for more fighting friends. Chea!

Feel free to add me as well. I’m trying to get better at this as well.

I’ll give you an add, I am trying to do the same as you. My PSN is xinlis.

i wouldn’t mind adding you, i have a couple of people on my friend list that are also good with rog, so if we ever get the chance we could probably start a 6-man endless lobby

my psn is over to the left, and i use cody and ryu as my mains, guile as a sub

That’d be great. I’m down to play with anybody of the PSN family.

hey guys

Do you guys mind if I add ya on PSN? I’m trying to get better. I’m getting tired of losing online lol

G-Wade Reporting For Ass Whooping On PSN

I haven’t played in quite awhile and im just starting to get some skills back but i’d love to play anyone
psn: Slingshotjones

sign me up, im down for whatever. i main honda

psn: chrismoke

Add me too if you wanna. :smiley:
I main Cody and trying to get better. So sick of getting shutdown by shotos. :frowning:
psn: Yaysian

everyone else feel free to add me too, the more the merrier

Thanks everyone who added me. I didn’t know some many people would be willing to face me although I’m not to good.

I main Balrog, Ryu, And Sagat.

But I’m trying to add Dhalsim, Bison, And Chun-Li to the mix.

im down for playing, not too good but trying to get better. i usually main Gouken, but i tend to switch it up a lil bit every now and then.