SRK Name: Travis Epic
XBL Tag: The Epic Ninja
Location: Southern Ohio
Characters: Ibuki, Cammy, Chun-Li
SRK Name: HeavyRoundHouse
XBL Tag: KickBoxinFlip
Location: Las Vegas
Characters: Balrog, Dudley
Add me or send me a massage for some casuals
XBL Tag: ACoupleHedshotZ
Location: Tacoma,WA
Characters:Ryu, Balrog, and Guy
Note: I like to use everyone
SRK name:XFr0stxByteX
XBL Tag: jezic326
Location:Brooklyn, New York
Characters:C.Viper, Dee Jay, Guy(I like to use everybody really)
I’m still very much in training, but I’m coming into my own.
SRK Name: Divine Tenken
XBL Tag: Ronin D Tenken
Location: Orlando, FL
Character(s): Ryu, Adon , Ken , Bison , Honda
SRK Name: ShadeGlacier
XBL Tag: ShadowDarx
Location: Texas
Character(s): Cody,Gen,Ibuki
SRK Name: alanizzzle
XBL Tag: alan dangerrr
Location: Orange County, CA
Characters: ryu
SRK Name: Von_Kunlun_BOOF
XBL Tag: Von Kunlun BOOF
Location: Arizona
Character(s): M.Bison, Fei Long
Name: Sheba Baby
xbox live gt: x Sheba Baby x
Location: Dallas, Tx
Characters: Dudley, Ryu, Gouyken, and whenever the guy comes out yang.
SRK: Moody Steve
XBL: Sonic Shamanic
Location: NYC
Characters: Akuma, Blanka
Looking for people to play casuals and mic’d casuals against - any skill (I’m not too good at the moment)
SRK Name: AkitaZero
XBL Tag: BlessedHands20
Location: Orlando, FL. (East Coast)
Characters: Guile (Main), Cody, & Abel
SRK Name: ssj2jeff
XBL Tag: ssj2jeff srk
Location: ft lauderdale, FL. (East Coast)
Characters: rose, rog, dudley
send me a friend req if your on the east coast.
SRK Name: ilaikturtles
XBL Tag: Flaminpoop
Location: New york Queens
Characters: Adon … Ryu … Rose(Not that good)
Im not gonna be on for like 6 days xbox getting fixed but feel free to add i have like 40 extra slots and looking for buddies ( Please not i will not beable to talk with the mic and cause for some reason it dosent work with my TE round 2…=] ) But if u do want to play and want to talk feel free to add me on Aim ( Vash The Sampted )
SRK Name: ThePabo
XBL Tag: The Pabo
Location: Northeastern Jersey
Characters: Cammy, Balrog (not the best), Guile (somewhat)
Hit me up on my aim or skype, or just plainly add me and say that you’re from srk on xbox live.
SRK name: GrumpiSmurf
Gamertag: FNEXGrumpiSmurf
Location: Brooklyn, NYC
Main: E.Honda
Sub: Ken (trainning)
SRK Name: HigherTomorrow
XBL Tag: Higher Tomorrow
Location: North Jersey
Characters: Dudley, Cammy
SRK Name: Fortuna non Dio
XBL Tag: Fortuna non Dio
Location: Ft. Worth TX
Characters: Ibuki, Akuma
SRK Name: ItsJustDaveP
XBL Tag: ItsJustDaveP
Location: Central Florida(Orlando)
Characters: Balrog/Bison/Honda…actually anyone EXCEPT Adon and Gen LOL
XBL: Roboter Z
Location: Florida, USA
Characters: Everyone
SRK: Professor_Rouse
XBL: Professor Rouse
PSN: Professor_Rouse
Location: Painesville, OH
Character(s): Cammy, Dee Jay, Juri