SRK Name: Shadow VII
XBL GT: The Rage VII
Character: Ryu
SRK Name: Polydactyl
Xboxlive GT: Paulz1208
Location: San Diego
Characters: Guile, Balrog, Bison, Abel
SRK Name: Xombie 3RD
XBL Tag: Xombie 3RD
Location: Columbus OH
Characters: Balrog, Guile
SRK name: Edge4o7
XBL GT: Edge4o7
Location: Orlando, FL
Characters: In limbo.
SRK Name: RiverDesu
XBL Tag: RiverDesu
Location: London
Characters: Cody
SRK Name: SeanxFayt
XBL Tag: SeanxRikkuxFayt
Location: North Carolina - {B}east coast
Character(s): C. Viper
Gamertag XBOX: Complex29
Location : Central New Jersey
Characters: Abel, Guile,Ryu Dhalsim
SRK Name: Ryochan
XBL Tag: Yorai Dragon
Location: New Jersey
Characters: Mains - Ibuki, Fei Long, Sakura, Makoto Alts - Chun Li, Guile, Cody
SRK Name: Velazul
XBL Tag: Velazul
Location: Melbourne, Florida
Charas: Claw, Rog, Sim, Deej
SRK Name: cities
XBL Tag: citays
Location: Lake Charles, LA
Character: Guile
SRK Name: Delfinatorx671
XBL Tag: Delfinatorx671
Location: Tustin,CA
Characters: Gouken
SRK Name: Slamn
XBL Tag: slamnsamn
Location: Providence, RI
Characters: Dudley, Cody, Guy
SRK Name: TrueGunnerShadow
XBL Tag: ShadowXSatsuki
Location: New York City
Characters: Good With: Dudley, E. Honda/Others I Play with: Juri, Guile, Balrog, Ryu!!!
NOTE: I rarely play SSFIV, but if you want to play me, Send me a match invite!!!
SRK Name: SupaScoopa
XBL Tag: Grimmjawe
Location: Northern Virginia
Characters: Abel, Rufus, Fei Long
SRK Name: iLehi
XBL Tag: iLehi
Location: Texas
Characters: Ibuki, Guy, Ryu, Dudley
SRK name: Asasin jaY
XBL GT: Da Assassin jaY
Location: New York City
Characters: Vega , cammy , bison and Akuma
XBL: mitchsubishi
Location: Corona, California
Playtime: Usually nights, occasionally on in the afternoon
Main: Rose Alt: Ryu, Bison (dictator) Training: Deejay, Sagat
GT: Chan Foundation
Location: Oakland, Ca
characters: El Fuerte
message me saying u wanna game you are from srk so i will know who you are. thanks! LETS DO THIS!
SRK Name:Killer_Bee77
Location: Detroit,MI
Main:Cammy, Sagat, Sakura(In that order.)
XBL: its marX
Location: Miami, FL
Playtime: Nights. Sometimes afternoons. I am flexible should the person have AIM.
Main: Ryu Alt: Chun-Li, Juri, Cody Training: Makoto, Akuma, Hakkan.
Let me know you’re from Srk so I know who you are. Pz