Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Match Making Thread

PSN ID: Cephas82
Location: Austin, Texas
Time Available: late night (11est pm + )
Main Characters: Viper

Gonna pick a sub, but hard to decide who =/

M - F 9:30, Sat & Sun afternoons
Blanka, Ryu, Sagat, Guile, Guy (um yeah)
Yes, for mics!

PSN ID: King_Hodokan
Location: East Coast
Time Available: Mornings, Evenings, All weekend
Main Characters: Ryu, Bison, Juri, Cody, Deejay, Chunli, Sakura

PSN ID: Yoohoo_Dude
Location: VA
Time available: Mostly evenings
Main: Cammy, Juri
Secondaries: T. Hawk, Cody, Sakura, Ibuki, Makoto, Dan, El Fuerte, Dudley, Hakan (Yeah, I’ll probably be trimming that list down soon, lol)

PSN ID: Thefury215
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Availability (Days & Time) Random
Main: Rose
2nd: Viper, Juri, Ibuki, Cody

PSN ID: Roger_Derby
Location: Wales, UK
Time Available: whenever more active at night though
Main Characters: Bison, Ryu

Anyone up for kicking my ass? I’ll be on (off and on) tonight. Just send me a friend request!

psn: askia47
location: East Coast
Mains: no one at the moment

PSN ID: scherzo_
AVAILABILITY: varies, some mornings - late nights on weekends
MAINS: Ryu, Dudley, Guy
intermediate to expert players add me.

PSN ID: justingroton
Location: Maryland
Times: All day pretty much
Characters: Rufus, Juri, Sagat, Ryu, whatever.

PSN ID: Dblreppuken
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Times: Any time after 6 usually, except weekends
Characters: Dudley, Rufus, Adon and a little Ryu

PSN ID: J-Nav212
Location: Yuma, AZ
Availability: Random
Main Character(s): Learning Dudley

PSN: sonnywortzik
Location: Reno
Times Available: everyday from 1pm-8pm
Main: viper but i want to learn some new characters also. I really suck with grapplers so I think I’m gonna start playing around with T.Hawk or Gief

PSN: v1ncestah
Location: NorCal San Jose, CA
Time Available: Mostly at night and weekends
Main Characters: Akuma & Ibuki

houston, tx

availible mostly anytime

no main as of yet.

**PSN ID:**marloci
LOCATION Waco, Texas
Time Available: Week Nights and Weekends
**Main Characters:**Abel; and will be using a little bit of everyone.

psn: casieee
location: Arizona
main; Juri, Rufus
Second; Guy
avail; literally whenever

feel free to add me tonight anyone! i’ll be up for a good minute

PSN ID: Eclipzee
Location: Midwest - Ohio
Time Available: Whenever im online?
Main Characters: Juri need more practice on others

PSN ID: Andersen_CT
Location: Connecticut
Availability (Days & Time): Nights (usually not on friday)
Characters Used: Balrog / Bison
Got a Mic? (Y/N) Yes

PSN ID: Reviticus
Location: Mississauga, Toronto
Time Available: 24/7
Main Characters: Chun Li, Ibuki, Juri, Ryu, Balrog… I think that’s it.