<agni> ggs thx
<ShoRyuKen> ggs thx
<jmfz> STREETFIGHTER2T is it really that intensive?
<jmfz> looks like ps2 graphics, though i dont give a shit about how it looks
<jmfz> as long as it’s a decent game
<jmfz> already paid for it and future dlc
<System> To replay your match, type /replay challenge-9397-1452324798.28@sfa3
 <HageChina> challenged you - (170ms, Japan) accept / decline
<Bhut Jolokia> ggs
<tsukajunjun> ありがとうございました
<Bhut Jolokia> もうちょっとキャミィの特徴を掴むと良い
<Xak> GGsTHx
 <STREETFIGHTER2T> challenged you - (79ms, United States) accept / decline
STREETFIGHTER2T cancelled challenge
 <rortega> challenged you - (Dominican Republic) accept / decline
<Jion_Wansu> Iquita82 LOL
rortega cancelled challenge
<Terrel> crashed
<111222> ggs
<f(x)> gg
<tsukajunjun> thx
<HageChina> ggsthx
<hohji> sorry i’m trying this out
<Iquita82> ggs
<hohji> not working so far
<tsukajunjun> thx
<agni> ggs thx
<Xak> GGs THx
<love12315> rechanlenge
<Warsman> ggs
<tsukajunjun> ありがとうございました
<tsukajunjun> 飯なのでまたおねがいします
<Warsman> またよろしく
<rortega> ggs
<Terrel> ggs
<Terrel> u the better player
<Terrel> good stuff
<Bhut Jolokia> ggs
<Warsman> ggs
<Delan> Warsman - we can play, don’t know how the lag will be!
<Warsman> ok
<Warsman> come
<Delan> Hi Warsman - thanks for the games, sorry about the lag! Cheers!
<Warsman> hahah ok
<Warsman> ggs
<Delan> Thanks!
<Iquita82> ggs
<Spider-Dan> sorry, stick stopped working for some reason
<Spider-Dan> GGs
<Iquita82> it’s ok ggs
<jmfz> hiding in afk
<jmfz> true 2 form hahah
<Delan> jmfz - wanna play now or later? I’ll be here for a while…
<nemokeisan> gg
<HageChina> ggsw
<Delan> Any Aus players up for a game or two?
<Delan> Cool Helixidron - let’s go!
<Warsman> ggs w
<Bhut Jolokia> ggs
<God of Destruction> ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
<Terrel> ggs
<Terrel> what a clinic
<geronimo1979> quelqu’un de dispo ??
<NKros> Comment vous appellez-vous?
<NKros> geronimo caddilac D:
<NKros> modern talking
<Oldyassine> goku12
<goku12> salam poto
<Oldyassine> tu mets combien de temps pour venir sur paris ?
<Oldyassine> en train je suppose
<Oldyassine> et ca te coute combien
<goku12> je viens en bus lol
<goku12> 4 heures de bus
<Oldyassine> y a des bus
<Oldyassine> ok
<goku12> c bcp moins cher
<Oldyassine> combien?
<goku12> 25
<Oldyassine> cava
<NKros> 25 years old? oO
<Oldyassine> yes
<NKros> so young for sf2
<NKros> it is joke
<Oldyassine> joke
<Oldyassine> or kidding
<Oldyassine> like you want
<NKros> he isn’t a kid!
<Oldyassine> goku12 quelques parties avant que je sorte ?
<goku12> ok
<Oldyassine> Poutine is the best
<NKros> he is a grand master of Germany! like title of this game
<NKros> nobody knows who is Putin
<NKros> u should to write like Putin not Poutine this is right
<NKros> 13-30 1.5 чувака в комнате )
<goku12> putin
<Oldyassine> Putin is bad word in french
<goku12> sa marche pas
<Nidaime Shiki> salam Oldyassine et goku12
<goku12> salam bro
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Ок, Нейро тут. Сколько её там человек, всего 9 записалось?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> <Oldyassine> Putin is bad word in french
<NKros> кто ты чудовище?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Putin or Putana?
<delatroy> gg
<Oldyassine> putin is shit in french
<WatermeloneGodzilla> well
<Oldyassine> putin = shit translation
<Oldyassine> so I write Poutine
<WatermeloneGodzilla> oh, i see
<Oldyassine> puta = putin
<NKros> u must write Legend of all Gods on Eearth
<Thesagittarius> oh france and ucraian troll xD
<NKros> sorry for mistake in word ‘Earth’
<NKros> or moldavian user of TV without ping
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Term1N а сетку ты уже сделал, или всех ждем сначала?
<Helixidron> ggs
<Delan> Helixidron - VERY good games! Love your defence! Do you play Hyperfight by any chance?
<Helixidron> no
<Delan> No probs, Couple more, or don’t feel like playing anymore?
<Moegreen> nice one goku
<Helixidron> i’m fine with playing more
<Delan> OK, I’ll challenge you. I think the game crashed before!
<Term1N> Watermelon - El Salo?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> lf
<WatermeloneGodzilla> да
<Term1N> будешь участвовать?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> да
<WatermeloneGodzilla> если свет не рубтает в 14 часов
<Term1N> го конект проверим
<WatermeloneGodzilla> го
<WatermeloneGodzilla> сек
<WatermeloneGodzilla> слетели настройки пада,
<WatermeloneGodzilla> хотя вчера игал
<Term1N> можно настраивать во время игры
<Term1N> а че куда все стики дел
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ну, стика, в смысле
<masayoshi> ggs
<bjhvega> ggs thx
<Oldyassine> nice one Moegreen
<Moegreen> I’m not biased, just nice to see a good Ken against a good boxer
<Nidaime Shiki> games anyone
<neanderthal> ggs
<Al Pachino> Шо там? Не началось? Где сетка? Где стрим?
<Nidaime Shiki> ptin encore ce bug
<Nidaime Shiki> envoie plein d’invites moi ça me met sendchallenge failed
<moss> sa marche
<Nidaime Shiki> ou deco reco psk je recois pas la
<Nidaime Shiki> non moi j’ai rien là
<Al Pachino> Видите в комнате чувак с позолоченым флагом и ником pof? Это самый главный дядька в файткаде.
<Al Pachino> Если только не украли его ник.
<Term1N> начинается все в 14.00 мск
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ждемс
<Term1N> евген чокомен проверил конект?
<Term1N> НКрос
<konekocyan> ggs
<orenron13> ggs
<Oldyassine> nice one Moegreen
<Term1N> ну и где дракула девил где Селл
<WatermeloneGodzilla> с фига 200мс с роисей пинг О_о
<Term1N> Сагитариус ты будешь участвовать ?
<NKros> ну да
<Thesagittarius> ну кинешь тех луз
<Thesagittarius> если что не так
<Thesagittarius> мне пох)
<Thesagittarius> народу нету
<Thesagittarius> я хЗ)_
<NKros> с кем мне проверить коннект
<Thesagittarius> ты в скайпе не отвечаешь
<Term1N> что не так? я тебя спрашиваю ты будешь участвовать?
<Thesagittarius> я тебе сказал
<Thesagittarius> кинешь тех луз если меня не буджет
<Term1N> Niubik123?
<Thesagittarius> да
<NKros> вот у евгена нету пинга
<Al Pachino> У меня тоже. И его самого тут не наблюдается.
<Term1N> Евген
<Al Pachino> Эй, а Гари забыл?
<Al Pachino> Где Гари, блеа?
<Thesagittarius> Термин решил)
<Term1N> Гари не будет как обычно
<Thesagittarius> вот проверю)
<Thesagittarius> с евгением
<Thesagittarius> Женя принимай
<Term1N> у Пачины есть пинг
<Term1N> Евген проверяй конект
<Term1N> Пачино пойдешь в помошники в скайп?
<Term1N> мне сложно одному
<Al Pachino> Ну, если некому, то давай.
<Term1N> у меня нет единомышленников по турбе
<Al Pachino> Великий Пушкин наверняка захочет))
<Term1N> Пушкина даже тут нет до сих пор
<Delan> We can quit if you like! Good games to you too!
<Helixidron> yeah, ggs
<Delan> Cheers man, take care!
<Term1N> Пушкин проверяф конект
<Pushkin> с Саги - ок.
<bjhvega> ha…
<bjhvega> sorry. my computer have problem.
<Thesagittarius> евген
<Thesagittarius> не отвечает
<Thesagittarius> а с остлаьными я тестил)
<Thesagittarius> а ьр
<Thesagittarius> а бой сыграть для приличия?
<Thesagittarius> не слабо?)
<Thesagittarius> боишься люлей получитть)
<Al Pachino> Да я тут Термина услаждаю в Скайпе.
<Term1N> Евген ты где
<NKros> короче если у него нихуя не пашет то его трабла не моя
<NKros> у меня даже с нафтогазом пашет потому что)
<Evgen-Chocoman> всё, я тут
<Thesagittarius> я могу
<WatermeloneGodzilla> go go pwer rangers
<Thesagittarius> с вами пообщатся)
<Thesagittarius> термин)
<Pushkin> Берите Сагиъ
<bjhvega> no…ㅜㅜ
<bjhvega> I’m really sorry.
<rickytherapper> annyeonghayseyo
<WatermeloneGodzilla> srotty
<WatermeloneGodzilla> for whatever reason
<WatermeloneGodzilla> game don’t save my setting
<Thesagittarius> коннект проверить не хочешь?)
<LSK> challenge urself and set it up it should last
<NKros> остался евген для коннекта
<WatermeloneGodzilla> thanks, will test it
<NKros> пусть инв кидает
<Thesagittarius> да пиши нормально)
<NKros> как нормально?
<Thesagittarius> я украинцу нашему)
<Momoxx> Soon T’es chaud ?
<NKros> це хто?
<NKros> це европеец!
<Thesagittarius> да у них такая же европа как и у меня)
<NKros> вся европа войдет в украину ты не слышал?
<Nidaime Shiki> lol
<Nidaime Shiki> whats the point of challenging me
<NKros> я короче всем проебу =( потому что я устал
<Nidaime Shiki> if you leave just after
<NKros> хны хны
<Nidaime Shiki> retard
<NKros> mastard
<Pushkin> ketchup
<Term1N> sorry we have a tournament here
<LSK> ops
<Pushkin> Турнамет хере ступид янкис
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ggwp
<LSK> whos winning?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ок я готов
<WatermeloneGodzilla> К слову, я же из Крыма, поэтому меня радует флаг тут %)
<Thesagittarius> во умница
<Thesagittarius> да лан)
<Thesagittarius> а чего всех тролишь?
<Pushkin> КРЫМНАШ
<Thesagittarius> ты с другой конфы там сф4?)
<WatermeloneGodzilla> О чем ты вообще?
<goku12> bein jouer yassine
<goku12> rien pu faire
<Oldyassine> ton ken a progressé
<Oldyassine> mais toujours ces putain delay
<goku12> ouais il a progresser dans le mauvais sens
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Ок, Термин, жду твой отмашки
<goku12> loàol
<Term1N> Дагота нету
<Oldyassine> avant tu me prenais aucun matchs
<Oldyassine> si tu remarques
<bjhvega> …
<Pushkin> напишите ему в скайпе
<bjhvega> ggs thx
<Term1N> джаси проверяй конект
<Oldyassine> tu as perdu bcq de match
<Oldyassine> car tu na pas respecté la super
<Oldyassine> walk super hb safe super
<Term1N> Джаси проверь с Евгеном И НКРОС
<LEVX> ggs
<Evgen-Chocoman> С НКросом норм коннект
<WatermeloneGodzilla> щаз проверю с Евгеном
<Oldyassine> tu as amélioré ton reversal en tout cas
<goku12> thx !
<goku12> mais alaise
<goku12> offline yaura pas de delay
<goku12> Nidaime Shiki t la?
<Oldyassine> oui
<Oldyassine> goku
<Nidaime Shiki> ouais trkl je suis là
<Oldyassine> tu as vu
<Oldyassine> avant dedeco
<Oldyassine> tu sautais et tu me touches de haut et tu choppais
<Oldyassine> quand on a reco deco
<Oldyassine> la deuxieme
<Oldyassine> ca ne faisait plus
<Oldyassine> yavait moins de delay
<Oldyassine> et jai pu faire des walk sup
<goku12> ouais
<goku12> jai vu
<goku12> nidaime shiki
<goku12> sa te dit de venir a paris
<goku12> yarau oldyassine zagi jul balcork erco
<NKros> есть у меня с ними
<goku12> et toutle tatouin
<Nidaime Shiki> quand ?
<goku12> on doit fixer une date encore
<goku12> mais c pour ce mois ci
<WatermeloneGodzilla> вроде пашет
<goku12> inchallah
<Nidaime Shiki> Inchallah ça seraitsuper ouais
<Nidaime Shiki> erco joue encore ?
<Nidaime Shiki> Il passait de temps en temps il y a quelques mois
<Nidaime Shiki> mais là il vient plus
<goku12> dsl 33cl je prends une pause
<goku12> apparemment
<goku12> il devrait venir
<goku12> si ya pas de faux plan
<Oldyassine> 33cl joue avec Hazerion
<33cl> x)
<Oldyassine> erco viendra quand je lappel
<Nidaime Shiki> ce mois ci c’est impossible,pendant les vacs par contre c’est ok
<Oldyassine> il se déplace
<Nidaime Shiki> ah il a dit ?
<shinobikamikaze> ggs cheers
<NKros> я всем проебу =(
<Oldyassine> quand je monte a paris et que je lappel
<Thesagittarius> главное коннектится
<Term1N> Сагитариус тебе скайп звонит так то
<Term1N> очнись
<Oldyassine> il prend letemps de venir à chaque fois
<Oldyassine> JUL_
<NKros> если ты поставишь битрейт больше 600 тот ты рак
<JUL_> oui Oldyassine ?
<Oldyassine> je pense passer ce mois ci à Paris
<Oldyassine> ca te dit on se capte tous ?
<Oldyassine> zagi erco goku12 prof balcork …
<NKros> уже 10 минут прошло с начала турнира ауууууууууууууууууу
<NKros> воу воу меня точно нагнет лоло 2-0 =(
<NKros> так нечестно =(
<Delan> at0mb0mb - we can play, just give me one minute please!
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Ого
<WatermeloneGodzilla> тут Лоло есть
<WatermeloneGodzilla> это лол
<at0mb0mb> ok
<NKros> тут есть а в KI так и не настроил на маке
<NKros> -_-
<jasi joestar> Джисус крайст
<JUL> hm
<JUL> je pars en Egypte le 19
<JUL> jusqu’au 4 février
<JUL> c’est dommage
<NKros> je ma pel Denis
<Term1N> http://sc2tv.ru/channel/term1n
<Nidaime Shiki> par contre y’a un mec qui organise des sessions offline à gardanne
<Nidaime Shiki> je crois
<at0mb0mb> ok
<NKros> хуй
<jomy> there is anyway to lowe the ingame sound?
<jomy> cannot find the setting
<WatermeloneGodzilla> i wonder the same thing
<WatermeloneGodzilla> sorty guys, missclick
<Delan> at0mb0mb - did the game freeze on you?
<Term1N> http://challonge.com/superturbo11
<Term1N> El Salo vs Al Pachino
<NKros> неинтересно я хотел его нагнуть
<NKros> а придется проиграть =(
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Пачино го
<Evgen-Chocoman> Это который Индишутер?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> да
<WatermeloneGodzilla> gg
<NKros> потроллил знатно)
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Отличный персонаж Клешня
<NKros> так ты нихера не делал
<LEVX> ggs
<NKros> стоял на месте
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Так ты я смотрю профи в СТ)
<NKros> я днище
<WatermeloneGodzilla> И ещё тебе тролли всюду мерещатся
<NKros> он хотел тебя 4 суперами убить я же видел
<NKros> а ты стал сопротивляться
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Ну так, а почему бы и нет?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Супер то крутой
<WatermeloneGodzilla> На самом деле он ещё не абузил валлдайвы особо
<NKros> в лузерах встретимся)
<WatermeloneGodzilla> там вообще печаль с ними
<Al Pachino> Вега брокен, а мне нужны деньги, лол.
<Term1N> Nkros vs Sagi
<NKros> вот я и в лузерах)
<Term1N> lolo vs Pushkin
<NKros> что там происходит)
<WatermeloneGodzilla> мне не кажется, что Вега более брокен, чем Дальсим или О.Саггот
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Просто некоторые персонажи ничего не могут ему сделать
<NKros> кто?
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Или Т.Хавк, который если один раз тебя уложит, и сделает луп из бросков
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ты уже не станешь
<Delan> FuttBucker - hey!
<Term1N> Термин вс Чокомен
<NKros> термин все подстроил!
<Delan> FuttBucker - no problem, take your time.
<Pushkin> Sry, NOcry
<Pushkin> Im afk
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> yo Johnny.A wanna play a few?
<Delan> FuttBucker - nah, it’s all good. OK on your end?
<Evgen-Chocoman> ахаха ))) жёстко
<Thesagittarius> не убегай
<NKros> термин жесткий! но не упругий)
<Thesagittarius> еще лузера будут
<WatermeloneGodzilla> угу
<NKros> что ему убегать сейчас его игра
<FuttBucker> did we desync?
<Term1N> пачино джаси
<Delan> FuttBucker - feel like some games, or would you like to have a shot at Hyperfight? Yeah, game just dropped out!
<FuttBucker> hyper fight sounds good
<Delan> OK, I’ll join the room. See you there!
<fiveee> ggs
<WatermeloneGodzilla> О я с евгеном сейчас
<WatermeloneGodzilla> ?
<NKros> мог и проиграть
<WatermeloneGodzilla> го евген го
<NKros> жди команды мотор
<Term1N> Niubik termin
<God of Destruction> ★Greatest Goals of the World Cup : 1958 Sweden★https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArU1D_ZI-hQ
<God of Destruction> ★Greatest Goals of the World Cup : 1962 Chile★https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPDUVC2d4CM
<God of Destruction> ★World Cup 1966 All goals★https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn431Qt5p84
<NKros> что ты творил)
<IWINV^^V> ============================== FU HAHAHAHA I WIN V^^V ==============================
<Term1N> Al Pachino vs Lolo
<masayoshi> gg
<no cry> thx
<Oldyassine> no cry
<Oldyassine> cmon loser
<Benzo(aka)Lolo> gg
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B
<Evgen-Chocoman> Чёто без лузеров что ли?
<NKros> жди
<NKros> просто термин рачит)
<NKros> там уже ждут полдня а он виннеров пускает)
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B
<Evgen-Chocoman> интересный порядок )))
<Nightlighttt> PLEASE help
<Term1N> Пачино вс Термин
<Nightlighttt> how can i play on sagat’s stage?
<NKros> видишь
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B & Loser and Korean
<WatermeloneGodzilla> this chat is salty
<Term1N> отмена
<NKros> u need kill all enemies and go to stage of sagat
<Term1N> Евген чокомен против Ел Сало
<Nightlighttt> thx but i mean online
<NKros> next u must don’t kill sagat
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B
<NKros> in online u cannot change stages ;(
<Term1N> El Salo vs Evgen Chocoman
<Thesagittarius> Евген чокомен против Ел Сало
<Thesagittarius> Евген чокомен против Ел Сало
<Term1N> стрим тут еси че
<Term1N> http://sc2tv.ru/channel/term1n
<NKros> only if u kill 2p all chars and go to sagat and never kill him in this session sagat
<WatermeloneGodzilla> го
<Term1N> WatermeloneGodzila vs Evgen
<Boshi^2> gg
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B Kim Jong-un
<RagingStormX> ggs
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B Kim Jong-un
<Nightlighttt> so if i pick all chars as p2
<Nightlighttt> and lose
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> Fucks ALls Corean!
<Nightlighttt> can i pick sagat then?
<NKros> u can see current stage if 2p lose and don’t continue
<P.E.K.K.A(spa)> IWINV^^V N-O-O-B Kim Jong-un
<NKros> and u can take char on 2p which stage now and then go to sagat
<NKros> if 2p loses as Sagat stage changes!
<NKros> u must remember this
<NKros> if current stage if thailand sagat
<Nightlighttt> can you show me?
<NKros> no no now we play in tournament sorry
<Nightlighttt> oh ok thanks anyways
<Term1N> Pushkin vs Jasi
<NKros> А я?
<Term1N> ел сало отдыхает
<Nightlighttt> is there any link to a site
<NKros> от чего?
<Term1N> Pushkin vs Jasi
<Al Pachino> Ему Чйкомен понравился.
<NKros> как он отдыхает при этом играя?
<Nightlighttt> that i can learn this trick?
<NKros> снова начинается хуйня
<NKros> я хочу ему проиграть 0-28 а он отдызхает:D
<Term1N> Rl Salo тока што играл
<Term1N> поэтому некст гейм
<WatermeloneGodzilla> лол что, Лоло в Лузерах?
<NKros> пффф
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Сила клешни
<NKros> да и он будет с тобой
<NKros> ахахах)
<WatermeloneGodzilla> звезда рулю
<Term1N> NKros vs El Salo
<NKros> стартуй
<NKros> алло украина
<Term1N> Watermelon vs NKros
<WatermeloneGodzilla> го
<kawaii4life> fuck did you say nigga?
<allah snackbar> kawaii4life lol thnks hes a gangster
<allah snackbar> worthless nigger slave
<Navarini> bora uma sherlock-ce
<allah snackbar> would you like a banana?
<kawaii4life> lol "!
<kawaii4life> allah ill kill ur whole family and
<allah snackbar> im so scared lol
<no cry> y64 very easy lol
<allah snackbar> come and kill them
<allah snackbar> please i dare you
<allah snackbar> monkey trying to scare me
<kawaii4life> dumbas australian faggot
<allah snackbar> lol blackcunt slave for life
<kawaii4life> i hope you get assasinated by a bewildered wolf spider
<Evgen-Chocoman> в сф2 тоже нет чип-добивания?
<kawaii4life> i aint black loser
<allah snackbar> i hope you get assraped by a gorilla
<allah snackbar> come kill me nigger
<kawaii4life> dumbass country loser
<kawaii4life> get a life
<allah snackbar> hahahhaha u mad
<allah snackbar> did i touch a nerve nigger?
<allah snackbar> come kill me please
<WatermeloneGodzilla> Сила руки!
<NKros> домой)
<Al Pachino> Прочитал)
<allah snackbar> im a 6"5 midget bet as soon as u see me u will run for the hills
<NKros> бля теперь я буду с лол о =(
<NKros> это же пизда)
<allah snackbar> talk big on your keyboard
<allah snackbar> back it up bitch
<Term1N> Sagitarius vs Jasi
<NKros> план удался) выбить украину с турнира жВ
<kawaii4life> heigh dont matter im 511 and ill still wreck you
<allah snackbar> guys prolly just alittle skinny nerd
<allah snackbar> wreck me pffff hahaha
<allah snackbar> what u gonna do?
<allah snackbar> ill pick you up with 2 fingers and dump u
<allah snackbar> 5"11 what a midget hahahahaha
<kawaii4life> yeah there goes 2 fingers broken
<kawaii4life> lmao
<kawaii4life> i dont want to be taller than this
<allah snackbar> why u scared?
<kawaii4life> satisfied with my stature
<allah snackbar> 5"11 400lbs
<JUL> no you are not a noob P.E.K.A
<JUL> you were doing okay
<Thesagittarius> молодец
<Thesagittarius> гг
<NKros> )))
<jasi joestar> гг
<Term1N> Lolo vs NKros
<kawaii4life> lets plar
<NKros> инвайт =)
<jomy> does anybody know how to lower the volume in game?
<jasi joestar> ладно пошёл я в южный парк рпг играть)
<Thesagittarius> jomy only on windows u can
<kawaii4life> sagitario play
<jasi joestar> аль давай тащи чтоб опять первое место схапал)
<jomy> argh, cuz im always in ts
<jomy> so it’s a little bit complicated
<Al Pachino> Пока, Джас.
<jomy> ty anyway!
<no cry> watch and 3ernd hahahahah
<allah snackbar> go eat a turkey
<Term1N> Sagitarius vs Nkros
<allah snackbar> bum fight
<Al Pachino> ALLAHU AKBAR! BOOM!!!
<Thesagittarius> грац
<Term1N> Al Pachino vs Term1N
<NKros> что грац?
<NKros> скучно было
<only88> ei conrados
<moofu> ggs!ありがとうございました!
<Boshi^2> こちらこそありがとうございました
<mehdinho> gg
<NKros> не очень понял почему так долго играют это же не финал:D
<NKros> или типа финал
<NKros> каждый раз все по разному:D
<NKros> супер турниры по сфу)
<Term1N> Termin Sagitarius
<NKros> почему был счет до 3) или это типа считалось за финал:D
<SFX> je redemare
<NKros> надо было еще добавить 4 место 0%
<Term1N> Al pachino vs Sagi
<Objeac> anyone wanna play with me ?
<NKros> sorry we are busy
<goku12> Term1N first to?
<masayoshi> ggsthx
<RagingStormX> ggs!
<NKros> ТЕРМИН должен молдове 300 р а мне за участие 34 рубля!
<NKros> не спрашивайте откуда 34)
<NKros> откуда 3-0) там же 3-2)
<Objeac> ggs
<sidefx> ggs
<opaemon> あ
<kaneman> w
<kaneman> ggs とりあえずw
<opaemon> ありがとうございました
<ISIMORN> La bagarre !
<Xgamerz> salam all
<ISIMORN> Salut mec
<Xgamerz> salut air sky claw
<Xgamerz> sava .?
<ISIMORN> bien ^^ j’ai petit d’un petit fix rapide
<Xgamerz> petit d un petit devien grand !
<RinMa> ggs
<SFX> gutts21 a la prochaine mon ami
<gutts21> ggs
<gutts21> ok sfx
<SFX> thnx gutts21
<yonpolyorring> pof
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> games???|
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> Xgamerz lag
<Boshi^2> ありがとうございました
<yonpolyorring> xgamerz
<pof> yonpolyorring
<BMF> ggs arigatougozaimashita
<yonpolyorring> hey pof
<yonpolyorring> tengo una pregunta
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> RinMa wtf lol
<pof> dime
<RinMa> bin gg lol
<yonpolyorring> es sobre el emulador FBA
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> lol goddamn its all good get your weight up playa
<Xgamerz> FBA = FAB = Final Atomic Buster
<Xgamerz> :d
<RinMa> i just stop playin for now lol
<yonpolyorring> tu sabes si soprta la version “world” del king of dragons?
<yonpolyorring> es que es tela de dificil la rom USA
<Xgamerz> emmm he s not in list
<Xgamerz> maybe in new versions of FBA
<pof> el q lleva fightcade (ggpofba) soporta estos tres:
<yonpolyorring> thx Xgamerz
<pof> The King of Dragons (910711 etc)
<pof> The King of Dragons (Japan 910805)
<pof> The King of Dragons (US 910910)
<Mi-ka-do> hi pof
<pof> hi Mi-ka-do
<yonpolyorring> la japonesa tambien!
<Mi-ka-do> i got one question about mame training mode
<yonpolyorring> segiuro que es más facil
<Mi-ka-do> we can record and replay imput?
<yonpolyorring> lo voy a probar
<yonpolyorring> gracias pof
<pof> ok yonpolyorring
<pof> Mi-ka-do yes, you can do that in mame-rr
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> ggs
<Mi-ka-do> ok
<Mi-ka-do> we can record a walk up cr hk in example?
<pof> yes, search for the macro.lua
<Mi-ka-do> ok thx dude
<pof> it’s a macro input playback & recording done in lua for mame-rr
<pof> the emulator used in mame training mode
<Nightlighttt> pof how i change stage online?
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> gamesssssss?
<pof> http://code.google.com/p/macrolua/ <— Mi-ka-do
<professormerluzzi> RinMa are you good ?
<kaoru24> gg
<Feel Free!> ありがとうございました!
<professormerluzzi> goku12 beep me if you want to play
<pof> Nightlighttt you can’t when playing online, you have to beat the character to advance stage like in the cabinet
<goku12> oki
<Nightlighttt> someone told me that i can if i pick diff char as p2
<Nightlighttt> but i didnt get it clear
<pof> yeah, you have to beat them
<pof> start a match, pick ryu as p1 (and select the char before p2 does), the savestate will put you in guile stage…
<pof> now select guile as p2, and kill guile… then you will advance to feilong stage
<pof> then select feilong as p2 and kill feilong, you’ll advance to blanka stage… etc…
<pof> once you have beaten all characters the game will use the stage of the winner
<Nightlighttt> so if i want to play sagat’s stage
<Nightlighttt> do i have to beat all chars before?
<Geckoin> Yes. You must use up all of the chars except Sagat.
<pof> yes
<pof> and don’t kill sagat… if one of the players chooses sagat and gets killed, you won’t play sagat stage at all
<pof> unless you kill all the chars, and then pick sagat and win
<allah snackbar> what’s a sagat?
<Nightlighttt> is there any link with that info?
<allah snackbar> yeah here http://www.lemonparty.org
<Navarini> fala Born2SPD
<Nightlighttt> pls dude dont troll
<Born2SPD> ãe
<Born2SPD> mano bvlz
<Navarini> blza e vc
<Born2SPD> blzzz tbm
<Navarini> SUMIDAO
<Navarini> muita correria
<Gagoh> chat crash
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> yes bro
<Born2SPD> tenho feito outras coisas
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> thats why i try not to chat ingame
<Born2SPD> mas to aparenco as vezes
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> it crashes always
<Born2SPD> joguei um pouco ontem
<Gagoh> weird …
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> i know
<Gagoh> pof said once its the connection
<Gagoh> if chat works or not
<Gagoh> i tought 80 is not much …
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> strange man
<Navarini> nao tenhonjohgado muito tbem
<Gagoh> usally i can chat 2 hours ingame with good connection ^^
<Gagoh> you like the right site sylenth ?
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> i cant do 2 mins
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> loool#
<Gagoh> xD
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> always been shit for me
<conrados> anda si estas por ahi pof
<conrados> esop es que mañana te veremos por la ligilla
<Gagoh> try challenge me djs
<pof> espero q si conrados
<conrados> yo tambien que hace tiempo que no echamos una partida
<pof> si luego me dejan te aviso
<Gagoh> youre longer online ? maybe relog
<conrados> si claro, si puedes por aqui estare
<agni> ggs thx
<HageChina> おちてしまいました
<HageChina> ggsthx
<kaoru24> gg
<nariyasu> ggs thx
<Oldyassine> bhaji quan
<Navarini> opiadsiopsidpoaiopwisi
<Biollo> hi zagi! i got some troubles with connecting on these new versions ;
<Zagi> hey Biollo
<Biollo> i think we should try the direct connect…
<Zagi> that sucks man i hope you resolve this issue
<Biollo> i dunno why that
<Biollo> old version no problem of that
<Biollo> it’s bad cause i cant play with half people
<pof> Biollo try with me later
<windsor71> anyone want to play ?
<Navarini> iop
<bhaji quan> Oldyassine la forme mec ?
<pof> Biollo u around?
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> yo Zagi wanna play in about 20 mins?
<Zagi> hey DJ-SYLENTH bro sorry im playing with Biollo right now
<r-jive> sylenth
<r-jive> lets go:P
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> im in game right now r-jive
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> no probs Zagi bro
<Senpu> ragequit?
<Geckoin> crashed
<Gagoh> ggs mate cya
<DJ-SYLENTH :)> ggs dude
<Bhut Jolokia> ggs
<Bhut Jolokia> またよろ
<masa-mori> 落ちた・・Bhut Jolokia さんありがとうございました~
<masa-mori> なに使っても強い。また挑戦します
<ReturoManiacCops> who can stop me~
<Bhut Jolokia> いいえいいえ、こちらこそ
<Bhut Jolokia> では、お疲れ様でした
<masa-mori> は~い、お疲れでした
<azarel_7> Turbo/Autofire detected on PLAYER2: sherlock-ce , LK: 19tps
<azarel_7> ggs otherwise
<sherlock-ce> ok
<ReturoManiacCops> can xak stop me?
<ReturoManiacCops> ^^
<ReturoManiacCops> xak can’t
<Navarini> games
<goku12> ggs man
<goku12> great guile and ryu
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> ggs goku till next time
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> i think you got ur revenge from yesterday with that ass handing
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> next time ImmaWhoopDatAzz
<yonpolyorring> Xgamerz,you was in the right
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> GolcarJack yiu about to play?
<yonpolyorring> king of dragons US version is the only one in the list
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> GolcarJack play goku he has a mean ass ken and geif
<GolcarJack> ImmaWhoopDatAzz you not wanna play now?
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> i wanna watch
<GolcarJack> i have played goku before
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> oh
<GolcarJack> very good player
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> yea he is
<GolcarJack> you want to watch me play vs goku?
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> yea but i think hes away now
<GolcarJack> I think we should play instead then
<GolcarJack> everyone with good ping that’s not afk is afk anyway lol
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> ill be back later if ur on
<GolcarJack> if I catch you, then sure
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> i wanna mirror anyway, my boom game sucks right now
<GolcarJack> i suck at guile mirror, so yes
<ImmaWhoopDatAzz> lol we will get better at booms together
<G e o p a r i n> rennshatukaunnjane-yo
<iory95> abuurido shit
<iory95> juega bien
<yonpolyorring> que dices? haha
<yonpolyorring> tu eres el que no juega bien
<iory95> fuck you
<yonpolyorring> iory95
<iory95> vete ala puta
<yonpolyorring> hahaha
<iory95> hahahahah
<iory95> boring shit
<yonpolyorring> lo que tu digas
<yonpolyorring> aprende a jugar antes de retar
<iory95> calla hijo de perra
<iory95> aprende a jufgar con otra cosa
<iory95> pura bolita
<yonpolyorring> quejica
<iory95> monse de mierda
<iory95> eres un monse
<yonpolyorring> que esperas?
<iory95> me aburres
<iory95> por eso me sali
<iory95> monse
<iory95> esperas ke salte
<yonpolyorring> a mi me aburre tu nivel tan bajo
<iory95> y pura bolita
<iory95> tu aburres
<yonpolyorring> s isi
<iory95> tu nivel de aburrido
<iory95> si si
<iory95> sisy boy
<yonpolyorring> me das risa
<iory95> tu me das pena
<iory95> es la misma vaina
<iory95> haahhahahah
<yonpolyorring> que vienes aqui a trollear?
<yonpolyorring> o a jugar?
<iory95> chinga tu madre
<yonpolyorring> si tio
<iory95> si bb
<iory95> monse de mierda
<yonpolyorring> asco de gente
<yonpolyorring> que viene aqui na mas pa dar por saco
<iory95> maas dasco dan ,os babosos ke juegan como tu
<iory95> das risa
<yonpolyorring> como juego yo?
<yonpolyorring> a ver
<yonpolyorring> entrao
<yonpolyorring> listo
<yonpolyorring> como juego?
<iory95> hAHAHAHAH
<yonpolyorring> eres un bocas
<yonpolyorring> ya
<yonpolyorring> claro
<yonpolyorring> me aburres troll
<Noodlez> SpinalBlood ?
<iory95> EL ABURRIDO
<Noodlez> Biollo ?
<yonpolyorring> el español de caca, como dices, te ha zurrado pero biwn
<Noodlez> Zagi ?
<Noodlez> games?
<Noodlez> DJ-SYLENTH ? games?
<rickytherapper> ggs
<from beyond> gg
<nightwax> bakero
<Warsman> night wax autofire use
<Warsman> autofire honda and macro ken
<Warsman> get out
<yonpolyorring> te equivocas iory95
<iory95> HA SI
<yonpolyorring> aqui hay genteinfinitamente mejor que yo
<yonpolyorring> has empezado tu
<iory95> Y YA
<Geckoin> ggs. Very nice Honda
<RenoMD> ggs
<windsor71> anyone want to play ??
<Brahms> yep
<bobesponja> Ta uma merda
<[OCT]Wall-Garants> pois é esta lag ta foda
<bobesponja> Valeu ai,deixa pra mais tarde
<[OCT]Wall-Garants> abraço irmão obrigado
<bobesponja> Abraço! Valeu peas lutas
<G e o p a r i n> naniga iinnda yo?
<Brahms> ragequit haha
<Brahms> gg english
<GolcarJack> nice o.ryu and o.ken paskis
<GolcarJack> not often i get good old shoto matches
<Masugairu> gg
<Biollo> gotta go zagi last one
<Biollo> ggs
<Zagi> ggs Biollo
<dansim> LSK no one beats me 20 times in a row and gets away with it =b
<dansim> ggs
<shogunsama> yorosikudesu
<redwjamz> sec gotta dl the roms
<luizhenrique> maciel vamo
<shogunsama> ggs
<Remixed> ggs
<dansim> ggs sink
<sink> ggs
<the_roka> ggs
<nothinghere> boooo
<saltyken> ggs
<traninho> gg
<traninho> sry man had to get door
<oldschool> Caiu?
<dansim> i dont understand o.ken atall
<dz.fighter1> not really ??
<Navarini> opa old caiu aqui
<Navarini> nai tinha um br no seu nick?
<Navarini> por isso nao conheci
<oldschool> Sim, mas no GGPO
<dansim> should i even try punish lp DP at all
<dansim> i just meen you compealy out classed me and i got frustraded with the dp spam(which i know is compleatly ligit
<dz.fighter1> ((++))
<dansim> just my onw noobness =)
<Nidaime Shiki> ça vient ?
<Nidaime Shiki> j’ai rien moi
<Nidaime Shiki> et j’arrive pas à envoyer
<Nidaime Shiki> ACCEPT_CHALLENGE et plus rien
<Oldyassine> 17:50 <Nidaime Shiki> et j’arrive pas à envoyer
<Oldyassine> mdrrrrrrrr
<Nidaime Shiki> wallah Oldyassine
<Nidaime Shiki> je te jure wlh
<Nidaime Shiki> meme quand on m’envoie ça repond pas
<Nidaime Shiki> wlh
<Oldyassine> je rigole tkt
<Oldyassine> Arcade Players TV fils de pute ?
<Arcade Players TV> yassine fils de algayria
<Oldyassine> Hagayro fils de Kurdish
<Arcade Players TV> hakero fils de ottoman!
<Oldyassine> ottohomo lol
<Oldyassine> LOL
<Oldyassine> OTTOHOMO
<Arcade Players TV> bitch
<Oldyassine> ah ah
<Oldyassine> country of bitch Turgay
<conrados> haz eso ujn direct a ver si recibo un aviso o algo
<conrados> para saber como funciona
<yonpolyorring> ok
<yonpolyorring> a ver si me acuerdo
<conrados> es con /
<conrados> y direct + nick
<conrados> me suele abrir el juego pero nada mas
<conrados> pero no con el oponente
<conrados> te ha abierto no?
<yonpolyorring> no
<yonpolyorring> me ha salido una lista de com¡andos
<conrados> es /
<conrados> y direct sin espacio entre medias
<conrados> y mi nick
<conrados> “/direct conrados”
<conrados> sino da igual , era por curiosidad
<yonpolyorring> se me pone en away
<yonpolyorring> eso es asi?
<conrados> no
<conrados> recordaras que habia que hacer con Biollo
<yonpolyorring> si
<conrados> solo lo hice una vez y sale la partida directamente
<yonpolyorring> con biollo siempre
<conrados> lo que no se si a el le salio un avio o que
<conrados> da igual , como dije es por curiosidad
<yonpolyorring> pero a ti no te sale nada
<yonpolyorring> de aviso
<conrados> no , nada de nada
<yonpolyorring> ok
<conrados> me he quitado el afk antes por si era eso
<conrados> bueno , toma un respiro, a lo mejor me dejo caer otro rato a la noche
<conrados> ahorra energias para mañana
<yonpolyorring> eso hare
<conrados> que vaya bien , nos vemos
<yonpolyorring> igual tio
<yonpolyorring> nos vemos
<only88> ye yonpolyorring
<yonpolyorring> estoy
<only88> qieres jugar a algun d esps q m dijiste
<Nidaime Shiki> euh ouais
<Nidaime Shiki> ok
<only88> esos
<MMK> dsl les bon guile me font peter un cable
<yonpolyorring> al cadillacs?
<Nidaime Shiki> c’est plutôt poli comme ragequit n’empêche lol
<only88> al q qieras
<Nidaime Shiki> tu prends la peine de prevenir et tout
<yonpolyorring> yo no soy muy bueno xD
<Nidaime Shiki> du coup on peut même pas qualifier cela de ragequit
<MMK> je fais des progrès à ce niveau
<Nidaime Shiki> quoique
<only88> ¿?¿?¿?
<yonpolyorring> o al king of dragons?
<only88> ok
<only88> voy a ponerlo
<only88> t espero alli
<yonpolyorring> venga alli te espero
<nothingness> ggs
<Clodo_Magic> ? Brahms
<Geckoin> lol
<ReturoManiacCops> ggs thx
<Geckoin> ggs
<ReturoManiacCops> geckos~
<ReturoManiacCops> ^^
<Navarini> Geckoin humilhated ReturoManiacCops
<pijo80> games any oen ??
<KushYu> games
<ReturoManiacCops> I know gecko I saw the YouTube channel of gecko He is hansom man He’s my uncle.
<Navarini> Geckoin win ReturoManiacCops kkkk
<Shiki.Bison> merci pour les parties
<saimonax> gaymes
<ReturoManiacCops> I have to limit my controller There is a limit to the artistic play What I am seeking facts Play satisfied itself Improvement of play Just like professional player of Starcraft Just like the road as though the fighting ryu I have to devise my controller
<ReturoManiacCops> not win … just wins~
<KushYu> how about less talk and more play
<ambro> ggs
<Navarini> klçççççççççççç
<Navarini> ReturoManiacCops
<Navarini> Geckoin
<Er commander> sry bug
<Navarini> poii
<pijo80> see ya man !
<inui> ggs thx!
<Gagoh> away
<Gagoh> LSK
<KushYu> gg
<Geckoin> Too short and I didn’t even get a win. lol
<ULTIMATEMALE420> freeze
<Er commander> yeah
<ULTIMATEMALE420> Again >?
<ULTIMATEMALE420> it wont load ?
<ULTIMATEMALE420> stuick on connected ?
<ULTIMATEMALE420> I click accept and nothing happens
<pof> ggs
<paincakes> maybe leave and come back to fix?
<paincakes> exit fightcade?
<Er commander> try to challenge me ultimatemale
<marchk11> zagi!
<ULTIMATEMALE420> syncrhonizing with peer 1/5
<ULTIMATEMALE420> never knew sf2 could do 5 playres lol
<ULTIMATEMALE420> it crashed
<ULTIMATEMALE420> it just cancels the window
<ULTIMATEMALE420> werid never had this problem before
<Er commander> yeah it s happen sometime
<ULTIMATEMALE420> maybe I restart fightcadfe
<paincakes> anyone want to play? i play chun li?
<kisuke57> ggs
<bhaji quan> bonne app et ggs
<Geckoin> lol
<Geckoin> Once I gone “Fuck it. Let do a Claw mirror!”, you quit.
<snoopy123> :0
<saimonax> :x
<snoopy123> ZT_Tasd
<snoopy123> T_T
<Geckoin> ¯_(ツ)/¯
<Term1N> ?
<mshafaz> game onyone
<MMK> ggs
<NKros> пиздюкен!
<magnotec> valer cara
<Born2SPD> vlw mano gg
<Zagi> cya pof ggs
<pof> thanks Zagi
<pof> your chun is still even more awesome
<pof> you punished all the jump ins, and outfootsied me in all ways!
<Zagi> you scored a perfect though haha
<Zagi> good one
<pof> hahah yes! lucky one
<Zagi> nah it was well done bro
<Er commander> salut zagi tu vas bien ?
<Zagi> looks like you did improve too pof
<Zagi> wow Er commander !
<Zagi> ca va et toi ?
<Zagi> cest cool de te revoir
<Zagi> yassine dois passer sur paris mais il ma pas dis quand
<Er commander> a ouai e savais pas
<Zagi> je me suis dis quil fallait que je te previenne
<Zagi> histoire de l’acceuillir comme il faut haha
<marchk11> zagi tu passes quand avec espritfou?
<paincakes> thanks bro ggs
<Zagi> espritfou haha
<Geckoin> ??
<Zagi> cest toi seb ?
<marchk11> Demain je suis dispo normalement si vous êtes dans le coin
<marchk11> oui
<Geckoin> mshafaz = ragequitter
<Zagi> ouais je vais lui demander ce quil fait
<Geckoin> You want more of me, eh, snoopy123 ?
<Zagi> mais il a un emplois du temps charge maintenant quil a ses 3 momes ^^’
<marchk11> ouais je sais pas le time le mec
<marchk11> 3 quoi
<marchk11> j’ai vu que t’avais fait la connaissance de JL au jpaon
<marchk11> japon
<Zagi> ouais je lai rencontre brievement au xmania !
<Zagi> tres sympa
<Zagi> comme son frere d’ailleurs
<marchk11> c’est mon pote depuis 15ans
<paincakes> ggs links
<marchk11> et apres j’ai rencontré Nico ouais
<marchk11> ca doit juste etre les deux personnes les plus honnetes et droites que j’ai jamais rencontré
<Zagi> bah en tout cas il a lair de kiffer la vie au japon cest cool x)
<Zagi> ah ca je peu pas dire le contraire !
<Zagi> dommage que je ne lai vu que furtivement
<Zagi> car moi jetais a osaka
<Zagi> je suis passe a tokyo juste pour le xmania
<marchk11> c’est fini?
<Zagi> je dois y retourner en mars
<Zagi> a osaka toujours
<Zagi> je crois que jai un truc avec le kansai
<leandrom10> ggs
<Zagi> a moins que ce sois otochun haha
<Zagi> dailleur terrible les photos des deux frangins nico JL avec otochun aniken haha
<leandrom10> boludo
<marchk11> Ouais c’est sûr celle là que je t’avais vu
<leandrom10> argentino boludo papudo
<ADN_X_WaRWiZ> lagggggggg
<marchk11> sur
<leandrom10> quando perde é lagg
<leandrom10> seu
<leandrom10> sei
<marchk11> j’y vais en juin
<leandrom10> por que correu entao?
<marchk11> j’ai pris un des billets airqatar à 400eur
<leandrom10> corre mesmo pato
<Geckoin> lol Bambo connection
<alexisfloros> hi to all
<Geckoin> hi
<paincakes> hola
<Zagi> cool ca marchk11 !
<Zagi> tu y va cb de temps ?
<Zagi> 400 a/r ? puree cest pas cher
<marchk11> c’est ouf même
<marchk11> ça durait 10jours je crois l’offre
<marchk11> même si y’a une escale pour une fois je ferai un effort
<marchk11> j’y vais 3 semaine
<Zagi> cb de temps l’escale ?
<marchk11> quelques heures
<marchk11> je sais plus exactement
<Zagi> cest cool ca tu aura le temps de bien kiffer
<Zagi> ok
<Zagi> bon bah si tu biens sur osaka passe faire un coucou x)
<marchk11> ouais je passerai avec le japan rail pass
<marchk11> je vais essayer de faire fukuoka cette fois
<marchk11> cest la derniere il que j’ai pas encore visité
<Zagi> ah tu a pris le jr passe, profites en pour bien voyager cest clair
<dj.maciel remix> da dando muito leg
<Spiritmad> fukushima mec!
<marchk11> t’inquiete il va etre bien rentabilisé
<Zagi> fukuoka jai pas fait mais il parrait que cest magnifique
<Zagi> hehe cool ca
<marchk11> espritfouuu
<Zagi> mdr
<Born2SPD> travo? bom ggs
<marchk11> ouais ça a l’air violent
<Zagi> le port hakata, la tour fukuoka cest sympa a voir il parrait
<Zagi> bon je connais que ca par contre ^^’
<Zagi> ah et la bouffe a lair terrible aussi
<snoopy123> 1 more
<Jaima> snoopy123 u are not normal… you dont play just speak all time
<marchk11> si tu kiffes la bouffe va voir hokkaido
<marchk11> tout est meilleur
<snoopy123> Jaima LOVE ME !!!
<marchk11> meme les japonais le disent
<Jaima> stop weed boy
<ULTIMATEMALE420> thanks man 6 viewers watching
<ULTIMATEMALE420> I hope you all enjoyed the fights XD
<ULTIMATEMALE420> CHeck out my channel www.youtube.com/c/ULTIMATEMALE420
<Zagi> cest vrai que jen entend bcp parler de la bouffe d’hokkaido
<ULTIMATEMALE420> I must go now PEACE!
<Zagi> enfin la je sais pas si cest le moment dy aller ca dois piquer en hiver haha
<Zagi> mais faudra que jy fasse un tour cest clair
<Kwabi Kun> hey zagi, when do you go back to japan?
<marchk11> sushi, ramen tout est meilleur, quand tu reviens sur honshu c’est un peu comme quand tu reviens de tokyo au restaurant à paris
<marchk11> t’as même plus envie d’y aller
<Zagi> haha ca dois etre violent hokkaido alors
<marchk11> je te jure
<Zagi> hey Kwabi Kun im planning to go back in march
<Kwabi Kun> oh ok, some time then
<Kwabi Kun> are you working before going or long break?
<Zagi> still some time left yes, but i cant wait haha
<Kwabi Kun> i thought u were only back for christmas, tbh
<Zagi> nah im doing a break right now
<Kwabi Kun> lol
<Kwabi Kun> chillin
<Zagi> but surely i will get super busy again when i go back there
<Kwabi Kun> long break
<Kwabi Kun> 5 months?
<Zagi> hmm 4 months ?
<Kwabi Kun> haha ok
<Kwabi Kun> 4 months then!
<Zagi> still a lot of time to plan everything for when i go back x)
<Kwabi Kun> lol
<Kwabi Kun> do u fly direct to japan or connection in austrailia?
<moyo> ?
<Gagoh> LSK
<Spiritmad> marchk11
<marchk11> ouais
<marchk11> zagi je viens de tomber sur un mec qui parle de toi: https://www.facebook.com/markus.gibbs.7?fref=nf#
<marchk11> le post du 27 decembre
<marchk11> Spiritmad dose?
<Spiritmad> yes
<Spiritmad> un peu
<Slim.Shady> ggs
<Geckoin> Ok then. ggs. lol
<Slim.Shady> huh?
<Slim.Shady> oh
<Slim.Shady> my isp
<Geckoin> I said last then tea, but you quit anyway
<Slim.Shady> nah it crashed
<Slim.Shady> I thought you quit
<Geckoin> I said last one
<Slim.Shady> I couldn’t see the chat
<Geckoin> I see
<Geckoin> Nice Rog
<Slim.Shady> sometimes it doesn’t pop up in the game window, only in the client
<Slim.Shady> y no games xardas
<xardas> waiting on someone, next time
<Terrel> thx for the games
<Jaima> crash
<Terrel> i don’t know if
<Jaima> ggs bro
<Terrel> oh
<Terrel> oh i c, yea it really looked like it crashed
<Gagoh> Kinotosi relog
<dejavumsth> caiu minha net
<FartCatcher> ggs thx
<kusozakoman> ggs thx
<Slim.Shady> fart
<snoopy123> farts
<FartCatcher> slim!!!
<FartCatcher> SLIM.SHITTY
<Slim.Shady> ggs
<ykong> good stuff Slim.Shady
<Slim.Shady> lol thx
<Slim.Shady> my rog is not good tho
<Slim.Shady> for realies. not fishing
<ykong> i havent played st since launched in the 90s
<Spiritmad> thanks
<Slim.Shady> why’d you decide to play now
<FartCatcher> slim
<Slim.Shady> Furt
<ykong> nostalgia and I heard fightcade was awsome
<FartCatcher> FurtFutcher
<ykong> giving it a shot
<Slim.Shady> FrankFurter
<FartCatcher> tell me about your day
<Slim.Shady> I got a proposal
<Slim.Shady> from someone
<Slim.Shady> he’s gonna give me $$$
<FartCatcher> what kind of proposal
<Slim.Shady> to make an app
<FartCatcher> really?
<FartCatcher> that’s good shit
<Slim.Shady> yeah
<snoopy123> LOVE ME!!!
<Slim.Shady> we talk tuesday
<FartCatcher> is he local in bay area
<Slim.Shady> I love you snoopy
<Slim.Shady> yeah
<dejavumsth> muito lag nessa ultima luta ai
<snoopy123> Slim.Shady u want this punk!
<FartCatcher> snoopy123 were you always in jamaica?
<dejavumsth> eu dei 1 shory derrepente sumiu metade da minha vida sem tomar nenhum golpe
<snoopy123> fuck ueah
<snoopy123> fa
<Slim.Shady> snoopy where is your username
<snoopy123> there
<Slim.Shady> oh there it is
<Slim.Shady> hax
<snoopy123> im have the mack daddy skills
<Slim.Shady> lets see
<snoopy123> also yes
<snoopy123> we have big dicks
<Slim.Shady> send
<snoopy123> Slim.Shady u want this
<snoopy123> tass whoppin!
<Geckoin> Avoid playing Claw mirrors. He doesnt like that
<snoopy123> Geckoin u got beat duide
<Geckoin> By who?
<snoopy123> i dont do mirrors so wut punk
<snoopy123> stfu
<FartCatcher> snoopy123 you were in US
<Geckoin> lol. what an asshole.
<Slim.Shady> snoopy got beat
<Slim.Shady> by his father
<snoopy123> u scard noow shut yo
<Geckoin> I’m scared? You decided to quit first
<snoopy123> i beat u like 10 time in a row u hoe
<FartCatcher> snoopy a charlie brown bitch
<Geckoin> Ok. That’s an outright lie.
<snoopy123> na man i whooped dat ass
<FartCatcher> i snoopy123 good?
<snoopy123> then i tea bagged you
<Slim.Shady> 5% chance snoopy is good
<Slim.Shady> according to my calculations
<snoopy123> Slim.Shady suck my nuts
<snoopy123> bitch ass
<Slim.Shady> 4% chance
<FartCatcher> 5% is not that good statistically
<FartCatcher> 4% is even worse
<Slim.Shady> play me snoopy
<azarel_7> what happens if you choose to play Claw against him Geckoin ?
<snoopy123> Slim.Shady deez nut u hoe
<Slim.Shady> damn son
<Slim.Shady> snoopy ima play someone else
<snoopy123> im the fuckingman
<Slim.Shady> you playin
<snoopy123> azarel_7 i whpped ur ass a while back too
<Geckoin> azarel_7 then snoop will know he’s in deep shit and run.
<snoopy123> uall sum fucking haters
<Slim.Shady> 0% chance snoopy is good now
<snoopy123> betta suck my dick
<Slim.Shady> git gud snoopy
<snoopy123> :0
<FartCatcher> lol
<Geckoin> snoopy123 is a Bumbaclot now
<snoopy123> yall aint man enough to fuck wit me
<azarel_7> lol
<snoopy123> praise to allah i will eat ur children!
<snoopy123> im mohamed ali to dis shit
<FartCatcher> snoopy123 who do you use?
<Slim.Shady> snoopy is 12
<FartCatcher> i feel i’ve played you before
<snoopy123> Slim.Shady u suck at rapping
<Geckoin> lmao
<azarel_7> you’re right snoopy123 you did whip me with claw
<snoopy123> samn right hoe
<snoopy123> z*damn
<azarel_7> and then said i couldn’t handle claw and played a bunch of other characters that you couldn’t play
<snoopy123> suck my dick
<snoopy123> not with clasw tho fool
<Geckoin> snoopy123 why are you residing in Jamaica?
<snoopy123> y u in bitch ass cnanda
<Slim.Shady> lol I’m the GOAT
<azarel_7> if i had know that choosing claw would have made you salty, i probably would have tried it
<azarel_7> lol
<Geckoin> Canada have good beer abd healthcar
<snoopy123> it sucks i been there
<azarel_7> lolol
<Geckoin> What does Jamaica have…Bob Marley and big ass black hoes?
<snoopy123> i hate cannda
<Geckoin> Good 4 u
<snoopy123> u guys r jus like ur soth park versions
<snoopy123> *south
<FartCatcher> snoopy123 tell me more
<snoopy123> *snoopy farts and FartCatcher sticks out a net *
<FartCatcher> what kinda dummy catches farts with a net
<snoopy123> you
<FartCatcher> i use my puckered lips
<snoopy123> lol
<snoopy123> gross dude
<emilium> HELLO
<Slim.Shady> hi
<Slim.Shady> HI
<snoopy123> hi bitch!
<Slim.Shady> fuck my internets
<FartCatcher> you respect comcast
<FartCatcher> Jion_Wansu
<FartCatcher> are you lurking
<Slim.Shady> and then jion was an alien
<assjack> Slim.Shady sup
<FartCatcher> ritual3
<assjack> hey did you learn how to punish a free miss from your opponent ?
<assjack> really hard right? good luck
<FartCatcher> i told you have yell jumanji at the same time you press the button
<assjack> i think Slim.Shady played him before and had the same problem
<FartCatcher> did you see ping to RisingStar?
<assjack> i didnt pay attention
<assjack> at first as always connection was good
<assjack> he didnt know who i was
<assjack> and when i pick rog the game turns into champion edition
<assjack> fucking slow especially when he jumps in or headbutts
<assjack> you cant punish it
<assjack> hes been doing that for years
<assjack> SUP SLIM
<Didz> comment on joue bordel
<assjack> FartCatcher
<FartCatcher> ritual
<assjack> is you widit?
<FartCatcher> i is widit
<Scalper> games
<Scalper> low ping games
<Real Decoy> ggs
<yellafever> ggs bro
<marchk11> ggs alexisfloros
<assjack> WOLMART
<mshafaz> anyone any games
<mshafaz> anyone any games
<paincakes> gg
<Slim.Shady> man, i’m hungry as shit
<Afro Legends Jr.> HAHAHA
<Afro Legends Jr.> Sage rage quitter!
<wolmar> Afro Legends Jr. come play
<Slim.Shady> ggs
<Jion_Wansu> …
<FartCatcher> hi wolmar you sexy mofo
<Slim.Shady> scalper
<Scalper> hi
<Slim.Shady> too laggy keith
<keith-o> yeah
Challenging keith-o
keith-o declined your challenge