Yes, I could easily add it to supercade, but I don’t go there and I doubt there is a huge demand lol
Did you get around to adding the yellow throw box to this yet?
Yes, I have throw boxes enabled on my own version. But since throws are only written once in memory and never cleared I have to attach a debugger to set a breakpoint on writing to those two addresses (player 1 and 2) and catch the exception to know when to draw the box. The problem is I haven’t been playing ST much because I’ve been having way too much fun with Vampire Savior and never tested it during a real match, the breakpoints may cause desyncs, but for spectating they work great.
See as how useless Bastard and Soto both find the tool I may never release an updated version. I love how people think I’m obligated to do this shit when I’m just trying to be a nice guy and share what it is that I am doing for my own amusement.
LoL…nuff said.
I was not worried about Supercade, but having the boxes for input replays. I can not test it cos I use Win XP (for GGPO; Linux otherwise).
Yes, it works for the ggpo replays fine.
Let’s give appreciation to those who try to help the game’s scene. Hostile infighting is lame.
If you don’t like the program/item fine… keep it moving no need to even waste your own time trying to bait or share an opinion.
The quotes show what this is all about, he’s mad it doesn’t work on his computer so he down plays it. Whatever, he says I changed it, all I did was remove the text from others in between ours, I didn’t forge anything ask anyone in the chat. The minute it works for him, he’s excited, the minute it doesn’t, it’s a useless tool. He’s got nothing better to do than troll then that’s cool, I’m glad Koop is being active around here so this stupid crap can finally end.
Like really, you think it’s great ask for a version, don’t get it, delete your post then say it’s dumb, then get caught red handed doing a 180 in chat and now I forge the chat log…it’s just so stupid. If you don’t like it, don’t post. Simple.
Cant take one opinion (well bastard and uc also have that opinion), i got 2 computers 1 with win7 and another with xp , but what is the point anyway, you just get in the chat insult me and then pm koop crying, if you going to insult me it
s obvious i would answer back and as far as i go, i just play , ggs, and talk with the non socially awkward people
Trolls are so stupid.
turbos n macros r not
Heh, the things you can do…
like add a crossup indicator to tell you which way to block:
The text was just to test. I have it set to have a giant green circle sprite on the char portrait for a normal block and giant red X sprite for a crossup.
that’s something borderline that shouldn’t be released to the public. you can share with it with people like me lol but someone can obviously use it to cheat (like a weekly tournament or king of ggpo)
likewise i know people use input watcher to cheat vs certain characters… oh well
maybe update your mame lua script with this, that’ll be cool
Borderline? IMO the hitbox display by itself is a cheat, just like input watcher can be (but input watcher is beneficial against the “decathlon pros” so thats ok IMO). Pasky please keep that for yourself.
homo check the overlaped sprite cross up with fei. What happens if your sprite is on one side and the hit box on another ? Does that just read what side the crossing up char is on?
Character’s axis is the only thing that matters. Only thing I’m unsure of is if you need to block normally is when:
P1’s X == P2’s X
I think you just block normally, it’s not until they move -1 behind your x it’s a crossup.
Hitbox position doesn’t matter, it’s where your axis and their axis is.
man I wanna see neck breaker dict cross ups & wall dives.
oh man and ryu tatsus
I don’t understand whats going on in here.
I would keep that to yourself pasky. It wound ruin the point of taking the risk in certain situations as someone could read exactly how to block. Would ruin some of the online play for me.
That’s pretty awesome Pasky. I wanna see Deejay’s jump Forward (I hate that friggin normal lol).
But yeah, I agree with some posters here, this may be going a little too far. If you could somehow restrict the feature only to 1P mode but not for 2P versus mode, for training purposes only. Other than that, it’s pretty amazing.