XSPR and Ganelon have helped me in the past with my ST game, although I wish I could get the time to play it more. GGPO is a hit or miss for me.
Thanks Ganelon. Even for the one-on-one metric, I think there’s a common tendency for people to just focus on the best players at the top and forget or not even realize that there are many, many other great Japanese players as well that just don’t get mentioned and you don’t really hear about but I’d say are still above the best anywhere else. For example, the US team came to SBO last year and continued the trend. You guys got to play the best of the best while visiting Japan. I met up with 2/3rds of the US Team (I think your flight left before we had a chance to meet up) and vs. RizOne, never lost, and won the set vs. Damdai. (Nohoho gave me the most losses by far, either by your metric of one-on-one or otherwise). Did they travel all the way to Japan just to play and try to beat me? No way, and I’m happy for them and you to have played so many top Japanese masters. However when I show up to a major ST tournament here like a Gian Recital, I am easily one of the worst players. There are tons of players that can beat me here, yet most of those guys wouldn’t even be recognized by those outside Japan as “top” players or easily overlooked compared to best-of-the-best (usually because they simply never heard of them or ever saw them). So if I can do well in the metric of one-to-one with Team US, and I’m no where near best-of-the-best, that casts doubt at the very least wouldn’t you say?
The Fresh Prince thought he could beat Mike Tyson. Just because there was an actual match with the Fresh Prince and Mike Tyson, that does not mean that the Fresh Prince would beat the next-best-guy under Mike Tyson. Or the 438th best person under Mike Tyson for that matter. And a lot of the time we’re talking, Mike Tyson is actually the spindly guy who’s punching way above his weight class, e.g. Honda winning vs. DGV, Damdai, Afro Legends, with a hernia, not some Dhalsim/Ryu player like myself picking on dictator and Hawk.
And sim does have an “actual” divekick compared to claw, however much slower it is, I can’t deny that. Sim also beats almost everybody/has few bad matchups if any besides claw. For these reasons I have always been the first to admit my wins with sim are not nearly as impressive as with other characters. I see it more as, I was able to use the strengths and keep them out. But if I lose with sim esp lopsided matchups like vs. guile, I consider that a big win for them. Or even a claw player if he can get 5 or 6 Reversal throws in a row out of say short slide noogie. But in any case, I’ve been thinking about how to quantify my complaint and take a close look at the wall dive in TRUST. As a claw player you can help me… the wall dive esp far wall should be a 50/50 mixup to block right? Please help me illustrate a scenario using scripts and frame advance that there is no possible way whatsoever that the ambiguity is unblockable. I.e. a scenario where the wall dive is as close to the center pixel he needs to be, and then repeated from the same savestate but one frame different direction where it’s one pixel the other way or as close as possible. (Actually you have to already be blocking it when Vega’s really high in the air, so the decision of which way to block is already made but please help me rule out it being unblockable basically.)
Almost a year to the day from my time traveling, and for some strange reason I still see all this “by Seth Killian” stuff around the Controlling Space paper, instead of, “by XSPR/mrdhalsim” http://shoryuken.com/2013/07/24/domination-101-controlling-space/