Killaliam strikes me as funny, he won’t disconnect as long as he is winning, but as soon as you have him in the corner and you’re going for the kill… “A Player has disconnected” LOL
As for Mikeidge, I’ll quote these so you can decide…
After a very close match where I barely beat him, I send him a message to follow up since I normally play ranked and have not seen him in a long time…
Me: Wow. Your ryu has definitely improved. GG. You must have been sparring with DGV, a lot of those moves are right out of his book
Mikeidge: Let do it asshole
Followed by invite to player match
Me: Still learning to control that temper?
Mikeidge: You get lucky ass wins in ranked everytime but refuse a player room w me.
I was in the middle of another match and wasn’t just going to disconnect. Fight Club rule #1: DO NOT DISCONNECT. EVER.
Mikeidge: 1 to 10. we’ll see who’s really better or u gonna be ur usual coward self.
I don’t disconnect. I take my loss like a man, because it makes a better player and allows me to learn from my mistakes and understand different fighting styles.
Heck, I was honored to get my but whooped by DGV 6-4 because he is such an interesting fighter.
I’m getting angry at this point and tell him that I will remove him from my friends list since he has gotten more rude since our last spar.
Mikeidge: U back away from my challenge as usual. btw ur a friend in street fighter… which is a “fighting” game, ur not a real friend u know, if ur gonna be a pussy and not play… then by all means… remove me
Which I promptly did. I prefer to fight good sportsmen who can fight like a demon in the ring, and has the balls to be able to shake virtual hands and say “GG” whether you win or lose.