Super Revo ''GGPO'' Tournament X1

I think you mistaken me for someone else…

  1. I dont cheat
  2. I dont talk crap

The only thing you got right is that i get beat up badly…Lots of good players in GGPO. Trying to insult players in such a small community is the wrong thing to do. There’ s really no need for that childishness & especially if you’re the one trying to promote a tourney. Anyway, imma just wish you good luck in throwing the tourney cuz i cant hate on that. Keep SF2 alive! Take care

You always talk crap and you do cheat and use turbos you’ve been caught.
I don’t wanna hear your excuse. If you were any type of player you wouldn’t
have bitched out and started talking shit don’t get upset if people shun you
after you made an ass of yourself.

You can sign me up, this is a perfect opportunity to apply what I’ve learned in ST

Did nobody show up? Or the TO didn’t show up?

Tournament happened not many showed up due to people confusing the times, Sorry you didn’t even show up Soto I had hope this wouldn’t happen date and times will be more clear for the next one.

Make sure you south americans show up for the King Of GGPO: Latin, Shit’s gonna be mad hype for you guys, you never get tournies. So make sure you get everybody to show up soto get your scene popping.

Who are you again scrub? That’s like saying kuroppi’s copying you because he’s hosting King Of GGPO that statement in itself is retarded. Clone a ggpo series? Take your trolling elsewhere. I’m pretty sure you’re cloning me if anyones cloning anybody. Because I was hosting huge tournies with technical monkey online before your ass came along me and kuro have the biggest turnout of anyone on ggpo to ever host an online tourny.

Kuroppi capped ggpo players at around 130, I capped at 125-127. Which 50 of those players were actually IN the tournament.
So again take your trolling elsewhere.

I think once I dropped out of the tourny, most people lost interest. And daytime tournies are a bad idea. Either people have work, or they won’t wake up just to play ST on a day off.

I agree about the daytime part was a flawed Idea, Practice makes perfect.

Day: Dec, 10th(Sat) 2011
Time: 12PM EST

Where r the results of the actual -Super Revo ‘‘GGPO’’ Tournament X1-?

The moderator deleted your post for a reason, I say it’s best you leave while you’re ahead.

Day: Dec, 10th(Sat) 2011
** Time: 12PM EST**

I’m not a time traveler.

[LEFT]time traveler? LOL, why would u be one? how hard is to post the results of it?[/LEFT]
[LEFT]something like this:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Supreme Champion:Ultracombo[/LEFT]
Worthy Adversary:RancorPitRampage
[LEFT]Maybe Next Time:krost[/LEFT]
[LEFT]4th place:Mad_Zero[/LEFT]
[LEFT]5th place tie:Kyouya/TheMuffinMan[/LEFT]
[LEFT]7th place tie:ceks10/djfrijoles[/LEFT]
[LEFT]9th place tie:esteban remix/vanlicaon/moocus/Khaoz77[/LEFT]
[LEFT]13th place:SuperHappyPuppy[/LEFT]

this is Super Revo “FAIL” Tournament, nobody showed up, n this stupid cammy-white (aka TheUtilityBitch, CigarBitch, GFBTV) posted a fake results

cammy-white go suck CigarBlob’s dick more HAHA

I hope you know -thebastard-/cutwest/czar whichever you are you can’t hide behind a proxy on here unless you have a VPN They will eventually figure you out. Trust me you aren’t the first person to spam these boards, Enjoy your future ban.

@TheBastard, I’m sure koop warned you for a reason, I’d drop it and grow up.

Cigarbitch, how come u have so many enemies? is CigarBloB saving u this time?

Seriously, u r so stupid, u got exposed in ur fraud tournament, Epic Fail! HAHA

Also any one who believes ur bullshit deserves one free trial of ur $1 blowjobs XD

I’m afraid you are mistaken my friend, CigarGirl Is just a close childhood friend. People honestly need to growup when did ST get more about the shit talk running hiding and less about the playing to back up that shit up.

Fraud? How is my tournament a fraud -TheBastard-? Anyone who believes a turbo users shit doesn’t hold any weight to say anything relevant.

I hope you know -thebastard- everyone knows it’s you on that account trust me they won’t just ban your troll account they’ll get your main account as well. Keep being stupid. You’re a pathetic waste of space. Honestly no one understands why you even come around to a place where no one wants you.

Grow up, Move out from your parents basement, Stop wasting your life being obsessed with people. I don’t care if you want to make shit up doesn’t harm me at all but I hope your bans definitely worth the trouble you’re putting in to spam the ST Boards.

why u bring my name up? lol<br>

Because it was your account, I had moderators look into it.
I wouldn’t play stupid sessho, anyone with a brain could have figured it out.

Secondly why are you reviving dead threads? Pathetic waste, People like you ruin the ST Scene thank god you will never be able to cross the boarder.

Im ready, when this tourney again?

About a year ago