SUPER Fei Impressions

^ Why not just do an empty jumpin as long as you don’t have EX meter for EX CW? That’ll make Guile very uncomfortable.

It’s hard to jump in at guile and sometimes even jump over his booms, they recover so quick he can just follow the boom and pretty much walk up to you and throw one of his AA normals out such as far s.FP or backhand if you decide to jump straight up, jumping towards him you’ll pretty much eat a cr.HP

hmmm you can try EX rekkas, I personally haven’t experimented with EX rekkas but it is speculated that it “eats up” fireballs better, for those who have explored this how reliable is it as a counter to fireballs?

j_case, the combo is character specific. I apologize for not mentioning that, but it was discussed in a different thread–there are about 9 or so characters that this works on. Give Sagat a try, he’s probably the most important one.


Doing my best to find something new for you guys… I don’t know if this worked before, but it definitely works now: U1 punishes HK Blanka ball (horizontal) on reversal. Actually it doesn’t even need to be a reversal; if you’re off by a frame it still seems to work (just not totally off). I haven’t tried the other strengths of Blanka balls yet, mainly because I’m still practicing Rekkas with my stick at the moment.

The punishment whiffs the first hit, and then BARELY grazes Blanka on the 2nd, kind of like what happens when you reverse Cammy’s Gyro Drive Smaser, except it doesn’t even touch Blanka in the animation :-p This might confirm the increased hitbox on U1’s second hit, unless of course I’m mistaken and this is something that was in vanilla as well haha. Anyone wanna try it out?


MP Super reversal will give only a 3-hit juggle on reversal. With our faster Super though, you can either dash forward and launch or wait a second before launching. If you wait, you’ll get a 4-hit on the ground with HP Super (1st hit whiffs). If you dash forward, you get all 5 hits now :slight_smile: It looks like the timing is flexible as when the Super animation pauses the screen it shows that Blanka is JUST coming down from his ball.


Works on ALL Blanka balls! They all seem to have the same bounce properties still, so we’re good to go. Also, from reading the MTUP Blanka thread, it seems like LP Rekka> HP Rekka> HP Rekka didn’t work on Blanka as a ball punishment in vanilla. Just want to confirm that it does now (its like 5 more damage than MPx2, and MUCH more lenient since the LP Rekka recovers faster. It will work even if the game doesn’t register “Reversal”, meaning you may have a couple frames to play with). This will work on stand OR crouch block, however, the crouch block one is tighter.

His air throw and cr. hp are good reason. Guile just recovers too fast for a jump in. A properly executed HK CW > cl. hp > rekka is about the same as eating 4-6 booms. Chances are in about 5 booms you’re both even.

Also, why waste ex meter when you can chance it? Save your meter for CW combo > super and make him really sweat. That’s half life gone. Do it once and he’ll start to not throw booms as much forcing a more close combat game whenever you have full meter.

I guess it’s a moot point if you’re not playing the same people consistently ('cause you can’t train them to react a certain way).

Just to clarify, this did work in vanilla, as long as it was done with reversal timing. Kinda tight but not too difficult to do consistently.

Ah good call. How about the reversal Ultra? I don’t see anyone mentioning that as a punish against Vanilla Blanka. It does work with the same consistency as the mentioned LP Rekka> HP Rekka punish.

If I remember correctly, a reversal ultra would only hit Blanka once in mid-air and the rest would whiff. Not positive though.

Well if that’s true, then that’s excellent for us as far as changes go. Would you be able to test that? I’m quite a bit lazy to pop vanilla back in lol.

Maximum damage for a Ball punish using U1 reversal in Super is about 430.

Deep j.strong > cr.strong > Shienkyaku

Link that works on all characters. Was probably in the last version, but never tried it.

Wait, do you mean close st. Strong? Last I checked, crouch strong isn’t cancellable.

Also nice to hear that you got your hands on SSF4, Nosone! Always great at giving us Fei players valuable information!!! OMG so Ultra 1 can now punish blanka balls!!! Does this mean it comes out faster now or has farther reach? It seems like it still comes out at a slow 10 frames to me though ugh…

lol i ran to my 360 just now to check if cr.strong suddenly became special cancelable in super, got me all excited for nothing :frowning: also hotdawg i think blanka balls might have had there recovering increased rather than our ultra being faster

I think he’s talking about a link using the +frames on low strong (+5 frames, and 5 frames to launch a Flame Kick). I guess if he tested it, it works.

But yea man, lol it took way too long to get it. I had it coming through UPS on 3-day delivery, but I ended up being too impatient and picked it up at Gamestop (then returned the mail-in copy to Gamestop today) :wgrin: I’ll be spending most of my time in the training room for Super since hardly anyone’s on Ranked mode anyway. Looking to level up my Fei, learn how to use stick, and do a bit of lab-work for you guys. Hit me up if you see me, I won’t be doing anything big lol.

o sweet i shoulda done that Gamestop mail trade trick. Didnt know it actually worked but too late now, USPS says its shipping tomorow.

For those of you in the lab, has Fei’s rekka startup changed at all or is it still the same?

Fei’s Rekkas are still the same from what I can tell. One thing that has changed about EX Rekkas is that it’s much easier to absorb fireballs with it now, HOWEVER, the optimal range for you to react to one is the range where you might as well use HK CW… I don’t know if or how it will be useful, but time will tell.

New finding: Ryu’s cr.MK> Hadouken is punishable on reversal by HP Super. But (and this is a big but) you need to be kinda deep in to do it, roughly around max cr.LK range. At max range on the cr.MK, you’re pushed out too far whether you’re stand blocking or crouch blocking. In the optimal range, you get all 5 hits.

[edit] Works on Ken, but DOES NOT on Akuma–no matter the range. Akuma is TOTALLY safe after his Hadouken. Must still be -4 on it or something…

Also works on Sagat and it’s easier too, likely because of his large hitbox. You can do this outside of his throw range, but still within cr.LK range. I punished only cr. MK> Low Tiger as it’s impractical for Sagat to go for high Tiger.

[edit2] While I’m at it, I’ll just go through some other Super-punishable moves here and keep editing this section. I won’t go through obvious ones like Gouken’s Demon Flip Slide, etc., just ones that really weren’t possible in Vanilla or that were too tight to do a 2-in-1 in time. Keep in mind that most sweeps are punishable now; I won’t list them here to avoid being too repetitive:

Gouken: Dragon Palm (all)
Abel: Wheel Kicks (all)
Balrog: All MP/MK/HP/HK Charge punches, but NOT the TAP if spaced well (Rog will be safe)
Dudley: EX Short swing and EX Machine Gun Blow, Ducking Straight and Upper. HP MGB is punishable too, but tough to catch at a moment’s notice.
Makoto: All blocked normal Hayates, the Step-Triple punch… some others, but I don’t know them by name.

just thought i’d throw this in here but some people have come out with some tentative frame data for your perusal. seems like ex cw link is still the same, and hk CW has exactly the same startup as ex (amongst other things)

Wow seems Fei is largely unchanged as far as frame data goes. I definitely thought his f+HK had less start-up time, but I guess its sort of a trick of the eye. Still, Fei didn’t have a great need to change frame data from vanilla anyway.

… As far as normals go x-D

Is Jump MK a good crossup for Fei Long ?

Sounds like a plan. Thanks.

It’s not a cancel. Crouching strong followed by Shienkyaku. One frame link and only works after a jump in from a steep angle, like ambiguous j.strong crossup steep.

Works because the hitbox on the opponent shrinks during the hitstun of the jump attack and allows you to attack from even closer than just walking right next to them.

Huh, so it doesn’t look like they changed the frame advantage on CW. EX and HK versions are still +4. (So, what you said. :D) Would be nice to know about the invincibility frames though.
f.HK is +3, which makes it a 1-frame link to cr.LP. I know it works on Hakan at least, but I’m not sure about the other characters.