Super Battle GGPO X series Tournament

So for this tournament on Sunday…we just basically show up in GGPO and ask someone to register us? How long does it last?

Tournament tonite, yes get in GGPO, it will start in about 1 hr from now

Tonight’s tournament results:

Supreme Champion: yito2k
Worthy Adversary: Cigarbob
Maybe Next Time: TheBastard

Congrats yito2k for winning 2 consecutive weeks, looking for next tournament n defend the title again!

full results here:

hai poopasi

sup dj. i’ll forgive you if you can convince sesho to drop the hate.
he won’t play and stalled the tournament until i complained to the organizer -thebastard-

btw, you online warriors, ultracombo just won the last ST ranbat

who is amul, Mr Jared, kevin and Vinl ? Whats their names here ? Also…let meseewhat progressyou have for that work you have pending that you mentioned last night. Ill help with what I can. also…

blow merunnning

another quick one (actually took a while because of connection issues)


Supreme Champion:0men ryu
Worthy Adversary:.9 ultracombo o sagat .1 bhop
Maybe Next Time:cigarbob sim[/FONT]

Tournament Tonight, make sure to get in GGPO n sign up

Had two tourneys back to back today and yesterday, for Sabin’s stream

[LEFT]Supreme Champion:yito2k(Dhalsim)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Worthy Adversary:Ultracombo (O.Sagat)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Maybe Next Time:Skidmarked_Panties (Chun Li)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Supreme Champion:Roybisel(balrog)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Worthy Adversary:Pasky(guile)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Maybe Next Time:TheMuffinMan(dee jay)[/LEFT]

Last tournament results:
Super Battle GGPO X.9

Supreme Champion: Ultracombo
Worthy Adversary: Mad Zero
Maybe Next Time: CigarBob

wednesday 5 2011
Final Replay

[LEFT]**Supreme Champion: **Skidmarked_Panties(Chun)[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Worthy Adversary: _yito_2k(dhalsim)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Maybe Next Time: blitzfu(Ryu)[/LEFT]


Congrats Skid, tough Chun Li. Def need to run that back lol.

Had a stacked tourney today, this is what Thursday night on GGPO is all about. good shit Bob. Good shit to dj getting so far with Ryu. Thanks to everyone for entering and watching. Thanks to TechnicalMonkey for streaming the matches and doing commentary.
[LEFT]Supreme Champion:CigarBoB(Fei)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Worthy Adversary:ultracombo (o.gat)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Maybe Next Time:djfrijoles(Ryu)[/LEFT]

Streamed on DBT:
Also there were some earlier tourneys streamed on Sabin’s stream:

why you banned stages? i dont get that and turbo1?

rules: best 3 out of 5, turbo 1, character lock, akuma is banned.

USSR, China, and India are soft banned. Both players must agree to play on these stages

Turbo 1 compensates lag

No one really complains about stages, but he complains of how those stages r faster compared to the rest, higher speed that affects both players equally, not really an advantage for either 1P or 2P, example is Russia, it feels like T3

Anyways, not a problem for majority, I would rephrase it like:

“USSR, China, and India are soft banned. Both players must agree to NOT play on these stages”

Oh n, GGPO matches start in England (aka The Pit) at least 60% of times

i love the pit actually

how exactly works this series of tournaments? i would really love to play but i live quite far from usa lol

Theres a ping limit rule, being 150ms the limit for a match being “playable” where more than 150ms becomes very unpredictable n rollbacks become very noticeable

damn im in the limit of 160-200ms

That’s not 100% true, it all depends on your character.

For example, if im the first player to select character, and i select Dictator, USA(ken) will be the stage 60%~80% of the times, and less frequently Japan(ryu), HongKong and USSR.

If you select Zangief first you will get England most of the times, if Sim you’ll get Mexico, if Ryu USA(guile), if Ken Jamaica.

And so on.

Video Highlights of last night’s GGPO ST tourney Night on GGPO TechnicalMonkey(CH) vs yito2k(DH)
1.15.301.18.37Thursday Night on GGPO - CigarBoB(FE) vs riz0ne(DH) Night on GGPO - yito2k(DH) vs djfrijoles(RY)(DH)`10/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - CigarBoB(FE) vs CoolFighter(BO)
1.31.381.37.3010/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - TechnicalMonkey(CH) vs Kyouya(DI) GGPO Tourney - Hyphenated(FE) vs yito2k(DH) GGPO Tourney - TechnicalMonkey(CH) vs Mad_Zero(EH)
1.53.501.57.2010/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - Mad_Zero(EH) vs AkumaForce(BO)

0.01.580.06.1210/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - Mad_Zero(EH) vs djfrijoles(RY) GGPO Tourney - ultracombo(OSA) vs CigarBoB(FE) Winner’s Final
0.30.390.39.5810/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - ultracombo(OSA) vs djfrijoles(RY) Loser’s Final
0.41.320.47.0210/06/2011 GGPO Tourney - ultracombo(OSA) vs CigarBoB(FE) Grand Final

Time noted on left side is to be used with this link to view at higher quality:

If you like what you see, hit the follow button.

