The physics are pretty funny with these anti-gravity flips when the end of the bike is on a ledge, but yeah it’s pretty boring to watch. Probably the last time we see it.
Usually chat is useless and stupid, but when the “Rap God” lines came out for a guy that was going on and on about how some glitch worked, I lost my shit.
It’s not that hard to put on a decent pants, shoes and a shirt though. They could even have them wear sponsor’s shirts for that free advertising. Usually these events are fine, but the runners who have to try and make stupid jokes CONSTANTLY are pretty annoying. Also making really obscure jokes that 3 people get doesn’t make you clever. I prefer when they explain how exploits work or what they are doing THEN make jokes rather than just constantly making dudebro jokes.
Yeah, that;s why PJ/Klaige/Mecha Richter are basically the best runners. PJ especially is always worth watching
Also, I forget his name but the dwarf dude always has really insightful commentary for laymen. Like, even just providing 100% commentary is not good if you fail to even explain the basics of the game to someone who hasn’t played it, so when you have someone like that guy who knows how to explain something by laying a framework down it’s a much more educational experience. (check out AGDQ2016 Gunvolt run for example)