Substitute for Competition

What happens when you do that and they all quit playing? Your idea can potentially run your competition out of town haha

Well, I used to suck really bad at CvS2. C groove scrub and etc, but after I got Xbox Live I saw a lot of stuff that brought more interest to the game and resulted in me experimenting with other grooves and characters.

Live is bad, but if you don’t have much competition around your area, its a good way to go. Plus there are some very good people on live right now … buktooth just got it for two months, calipower plays on ocassion, etc.

Right now it sucks though, hard to get a match started.

Re: Re: Substitute for Competition

That’s not funny, that’s what happened to me :.(.

I can only continually pratice execution, there is no true substitue for real competition, dam I wish there was some near here sigh.

Some of you misunderstood him. He has competition around. The problem is he rarely has access to it. He is approx. 30 Minutes from Wizzards arcade, where VDO, T.K.K., Julian and I frequent. He does not have transportation. I believe he was asking what he can do inbetween Wizzards visits. He is a decent player, he simply doesn’t have a grasp of the basics, ie: BnB combos, spacing, timing, etc.

Trust me: he will never run out of competition around here. Also, playing against scrubby ppl who aren’t attempting to get better can destroy you faster than playing the CPU will.

I would disagree with that last line.

I HATE playing the computer. Most strategy gets tossed out the window. Because they’re either A)really stupid, or B)cheat.

Take SF2. Jump Guile’s boom, eat a flash kick. Wee. Fun. That’s if he decides to do a flash kick… He might just be a complete retard and try to sweep instead. Maybe not… WHO KNOWS?! Or he might just charge towards you… cheat with instant block/counter if you attack, or throw you if you don’t do anything. Wee. Fun. Or he’ll be a complete retard and do d.jab, walk, d.jab, walk, whiff d.fierce instead. But of course he’ll cheat with instant block during the little walk forward.

The CPU is the only thing that can instantly-block while walking forward, and NOT block somehow while walking backwards.

It’s just retarded. People can’t play like that. Besides punishing whiffs, poking is nothing like playing vs a human. And because you don’t want to get cheated to death you try to get the CPU into some stupid pattern, which probably won’t work on a human.

It’s ok for practicing your anti-airs, combos, and basic FB trap stuff… but that’s just basics. You have to know that stuff anyhow.

It just drives me insane when I get instant-countered with a lvl3 because I tried to random poke with a d.short or something. Waitaminute, it’s not random, it’s programmed to automatically super when I attack… so in essence, I just supered myself! excellent!

On the other hand, playing scrubs can put you in a false sense of doing something great. You get a rude awakening when you hit an arcade.
Skill tends to rise to the level neccessary to ensure victory.

Your only as good as the ppl around you.

ROFL, then I must really suck. Heh but seriously it’s pretty true, the only way to get good w/o competition is watching a !@#$load of vids, reading a @!#$load of tactics, and sitting in training mode for 3billion hrs. There is no true substitute for good competition.

:smiley: I play online now. and i get owned in sfa3 by euro’s
but this is still a poor subistitute, lag and things like that efect the qulity of the match, for instance i cant work on my reaction time online because buy the time i see the guy jump i have missed my windo to enter the dp motion. Online its just a huge gessig game, but that does help with readign my opponent.


are you using emulator to play online?
i have the same problem finding competition in my area, as well.
it’d be a big help if someone can show me how to use emulator to get some competition…

One thing is for sure: Masturbation is not a good substitute for a lack of competition.


anyways i’m in the same situation as obot64 and some of the others who mentioned that they are forced to heavily train against computer.

my experience after playing tekken and some SF against the computer for many years is that once you approach real players, you have a 50% chance of winning! there is a 25% chance that they are super-scrub and u know enough basics to own them. there is a 25% chance that they are just like u and u beat them. another 25% chance that they are just like u and they beat you. and a 25% chance that they are an elite-ownage player and will rape you.

i can’t seem to find a way around lack-of-comp other than to watch vids, but that won’t drastically improve your game :bluu:

so just play for fun and perhaps in the future you will reside in a better area. that’s my philosophy.