Stride or Die: The Reset Thread

Oohh I thought it was a forced roll but it isnt… but I summon the satelite before I do it just incase they do roll forward and then use it to keep them from doing anything… 90% of the time they do roll into the corner with strider because most people arent prepared to roll after the otg slide trust me…

Made another Strider Vid. This time focusing on the animals. Most of this will be familiar, but it should be useful to people learning Strider.

Really liked that video, FlyingVe. You did an excellent job. Any tips for avoiding getting an SRK motion and therefore teleport when doing backdash into Formation call? Because that happens to me all the time, maybe because I dash with buttons.

Um… outside of being more precise not really. The backdash is actually just for timing, you don’t actually need it.

I find when I am worried about input overlap I over exaggerate the motions. So instead of doing 214A I would do 63214A.

due to the LARGE ass input windows, every strider player will have this problem and there is only 1 way to beat it and its simply by delaying it.

when you hit bck x2 or bck+2 atks to dash backwards, it remembers the back input for so many frames. If you input your dog motion as its remembering the back input, it turns into bck, qcb+L which is now a shoryuken input.

its kind of ugly really, sometimes its a good idea to dash back and teleport or dash back animal but with that massive input window there, it makes it very hard to attempt those because a “random” teleport against the wrong characters is a dead strider.

There is always one button that will kill strider in every game. That is this games version of wall cling.

So strider can corner knockdown, summon dog xx Legion super as a reset. time it for neutral tech to wakeup into dog. Legion catches other rolls.
Legion is unpushblockable so with good dashing you can get one free high/low mixup off of it.

Last night I realized you can call hidden missiles before doing the above, and get a very easy mixup . Like one or two free mixups during missile lockdown. It’s an interesting option for strider bar that I use way more than I thought I would.

bird bomb makes for a great wake up reset tool also