StreetFighter 4 Udon?

they talk shit cause they know they wont c us…fuking geeks

Shit never gets old.


So, do you have to be a certain age to join these forums?

You guys better watch out, more than half of this guy’s posts are in the Pokemon thread. If that’s not the recipe for a real beast, I don’t know what is.

LOL xbox gamer tag Magnum Tiger you fag you should join the military with fag falling edge and fag iceman you losers all 3 of u are nerds

Can anyone translate what he just said?

i have hurd about you Gaijinblaze ur part or the orbit ranbat psycho chronic showed me ur videos i would watch what you say about koopa hes no newbie at 3s he will take ur challange if you accept

That Yeah 120% Dood guy needs to post in here before it gets locked…

IAM BAYTOR!!!:tdown:

nice avatar.

Damn, it won’t let me give out any more neg rep.

This is officailly the most awesome post ever.

wow this is fucking stupid

why should i not just ban everyone in here?

bigkiggz: you had the flame fest coming. a sf4 thread pops up once or twice a week. you are probably the 12,000th person to do so. its probably the most annoying topic to make.

maybe ill let sao decide if he wants to take this further. but for now, thread closed