Street Fighter Statue Thread - VEGA!

Did anyone order Morrigan? I did.

[We should be allowed to post imaages in here, please Wizard]

You mean like Fan Art right, the

[/IMG] thing where the images show up really big right? I asked before but never got a response. I’m sure there are reasons and stuff like bandwith and lots of other complicated things I am not aware of so no disrespect to my boss or anything who is a busy guy in his own right… :sweat:

You can post images as attachments so they show up as small icons that people can click on. Never bothered to figure out exactly how to do it but it does work on this forum, if you play with the functions a bit you’ll get it like everything else.

Any thoughts on this thing…

His CE colors are off and that face…

I ordered a Green Vega… I am a sucker for the PF statues… I have all but EX Morrigan now :frowning: