Hey DJames

I got mad respect for you man, just so you know before I ask this question

What went wrong with HF on XBLA? Do you have some inside knowledge why it’s so buggy? Was it a rushed job? I’m not talking about HF, I’m talking about HF on XBLA specifically

The game looks good so far…we need more fighting/shooting hybrid games like Senko no Ronde.

Q&A session please :slight_smile:

Just post up your questions Ken.
He’s been pretty good about answering questions in here already.

Side note: When you gonna run that HF tourney Ken?

He had nothing to do with porting HF to XBLA.

This is true- nothing to do with the XBLA port… HF on XBLA has done very well even though we all know there could be many improvements to the way the network plays and some of the leaderboard rules. Sorry, not my thing anymore. But SSFT HD is getting the TLC by Sirlin and crew and hopefully the netcode and leaderboard rules will be much better.

Leader board rules are really tough to design to make everyone happy, in Shred I have solved this by having several leaderboards (talking only about vs. here) based on what ‘we’ (the devs) think defines the best player in the world, TrueSkill and a 3rd alternate board- it really comes down to ego. Here is an example that has always bugged me: Player A- we will call him Mega-Driver, has 5000 wins and only 500 losses (with a 3000 win streak). Player B- we will call Super-Scrubber, has 500 wins and 50 losses (with a 300 win streak). Who is the better player?
They both have a win/loss ratio of 90% and both have win streak that is 60% of their total wins. So WHO is better? Stats say they are equal, and if Super-Scrubber played 5000 games the pattern says he will end up about the same-- so if they played each other, whoever wins would be technically the better player right?
What bugs me about some leaderboard rankings is Super-Scrubber might be the top player without ever playing Mega-Driver. ** please do not flame me yet with stats and stuff, keep reading ***

My thought on this is Mega-Driver is the more dedicated player and thus for ego reasons, should have a leaderboard that reflects SHEER wins. I mean, that is fucking Conan man, he has killed 1000’s whereas Super-Scrubber is like Krull on his way up (I’m a nerd, what can I say). Sure, Super-Scrubber might be infact better, in the long run will have 10,000 wins and own Mega-Driver’s ass, but again THIS IS EGO I am talking about. So, my solution is to provide a proper ego leaderboard for styles of play- my game is also a DM multiplayer game, so it is not as simple as wins vs. losses. I also have to factor in sheer kill count.

So in the end, there is no perfect leaderboard ranking for EVERYONE’s tastes- me I am all about Conan and sheer body count regardless of how many arms and legs I have lost as long as I can keep going. Other people here are more about ratio and perfection, while others are about predictive rankings globally. So I am saying that a good game has these options and hopefully mine is infact a really good game so there is enough people playing to fill up these leaderboards.

I went off on a tangent, but cheap ass stupid #%&-heads disconnecting to falsely cheat their way to top rankings (with minimal wins and no/few losses) kind of bothers me.:annoy: So in Shred, not only have we planned ahead for types of leaderboards, we also have built in a anti cheat & score reporting migration fail-safes designed to post the score for any person that is disconnected (another machine updates updates your score regardless of how you drop- even survives host migration!), so it will not be easy to be number one unless you are infact a warrior willing to take your lumps on the way to the top.:arazz:


Alright. Here are a few things that I have not been able to figure out for sure so I have to ask…

In Hyper Fighting, I know Ken is slightly faster than Ryu. However, I am not sure if his “non” special moves such as crouching roundhouse etc… come out and recovery faster. Basically, do Ken and Ryu’s non special moves have the exact same speed? Is Ken’s jumping speed faster as well? Basically, is Ken’s jump kick faster than Ryu’s?

Also. Is Ryu’s fierce fireball speed actually “faaster” than Ken’s or does he simply release it faster?

“fireball theory” (non consecutive)

Is the fireball designed to be a move you can “react” to, meaning ,are there signs noticeable to the human eye that will give you enough time to jump kick the person throwing the fireball? Or was it designed to be a move you have to “anticipate” , meaning you have to sort of look for it to counter it with a jump kick?

I’m curious to know what the reason was behind giving Ken’s forward jumping fierce attack less of a hitbox than Ryu’s. This seems to be the only ordinary move that have different hitboxes between the two characters.

This advantage for Ken is actually key in a matchup against Guile. I ask because this was a very interesting feature you guys gave Ken and didn’t give Ryu that proved to be very useful.

Finally, what was the reason behind decreasing Ken’s Fierce Dragon Punch range from Champion Edition version? :slight_smile:


This game looks really cool!

When I first read the thread title, I thought Capcom was making some abomination called “Street Fighter Hyper Designer” and I was imagining how terrible custom characters would be. :rofl:

Hey DJames -

Do you still have any old Deejay sketches you sent to Capcom?

Is Deejay’s name based on yours(DJa…)?

I would love to see Capcom’s original design for the character, wasn’t it like, super top-tier-level racist? And that’s why Capcom USA had to step in and be like, “Uh guys, no.”

Wow, Shred Nebula looks awesome. I’m too young to have memories of HF, and Street Fighter’s never really been my bag (no flames, please). I’ll defiantly pick this up when I get the chance.

Inspiration for Deejay…Billy Blanks :wgrin:

Watch from 1:05


I remember James had a tour with Super Street Fighter to promote its release. Met him at LA City College…i watched way too many kung fu flicks back then and recognized the resemblance right away :rofl:

Good job James, definitely looking forward to Shred… Keep us updated!

Also is it/will it be available on partnernet for preview?

And glad to see you’re still in touch with the SF community…

Just an update on Shred Nebula. It is done, it has been for a bit now and is just clearing the final process of getting cleared for XBLA release. No release date yet but the title is coming soon. We took WAY longer to get this done then planned, we tuned the @$%&%& out of it and it is so much better for the extra time and polish. Thanks for the support!!!

James goddard teaches at my school, this guy is cool. Gonna definitely check this game out when it comes out.

just to let everyone know. the title is due out this wednesday (july 16th)

wow, that was unexpected. Nice, can’t wait.

please support the title, everybody =) he is one of our own , afterall

I was the one that told Sabre about this. Here is where i found it after a random google search.

Cant wait to play it this Wednesday. Would be nice to have another game besides HDr to play for now.

Read more about it here.

SHRED NEBULA - Not releasing 7/16/08

Hey guys, bad news. Shred Nebula is not releasing this Wednesday 7/16/08. :sad:It was a date that turned out not to be available - and we naturally had begun hyping it and asking people to spread the word. See the details, and the first video footage ever of Shred Nebula here at

I will also post the video link in a new thread.

Thanks for everyones support and patience on this.