Street fighter AI competition

How about:



It almost sounds like we are making Final Fantasy XII Gambits. :slight_smile:

If Health > 90%, put more weight on spamming fireballs.
If opponent life < 5% and is grounded, do Meaty Super.

etc. etc.

We really should just come up with simple rules like those (but make them configurable in a similar way with priority lists and have more options, of course, than the ones FFXII had) and just have people use a VERY simple algorithm to program their strategies and refine the rules as we figure out which “gambit programs” tend to be “broken.”

  • James

I’ve messed around with the MAME source for a few hours now and have gotten a very very basic “ai” working that spams jab dragon punches (from the right side only!). At this point its less useful than a programmable controller but its a start. The real challenge is still to pull meaningful info from the game’s memory which I haven’t even started. If anyone’s seriously interested in helping at this stage (way before people can write their high level AI) send me a PM, we may be able to help each other. I’d estimate there being weeks of work left before anything meaningful would come out of this, thats assuming real life/real job dont get in the way.

That didn’t stop people from playing WOW. :rofl:

Id definitely be interested, ratman! I’m going to be out on vacation for a few weeks but afterwards…

This is a cool idea

Could you just lift the AI code from the single player mode and get the CPU to fight itself?

Also if the aim is to stay alive (while dealing damage) wouldn’t they end up drawing game through trade attacks?

This is a horrible idea. If you people succeed, all we’re going to get is [media=youtube]s8ax-OopF8Y"[/media]


I expect that it would be different in all kinds of wierd and wonderful ways. Notably, the Hawk player could have timed it s.t. there was either a chip win, or an invincible frame timeout.

I mean I like what they did with HDR’s AI, but even on medium at about the 4-5th match you can get Hawk or cammy who just counters 80% of the moves you initiate. It’s alot better than ST (which is unplayable for newbs… and me!), but they could do what was mentioned earlier in the thread; make the characters have a delay in doing the moves that mimics human play and just do away with the walking flash kicks (which are both easy to implement). I got to Akuma once and just stop playing him after the 7th defeat. If I play comp I play for about 5-6 matches and just restart the game and try another char (just to practice moves anyways).

This is probably a bit of an unrelated area, but as it’s been brought up, if there is a way to “plug” the super turbo A.I. into istelf, by using mame or whatever, and essentially get the CPU to play against itself, i’ve always thought that that would be a good way to work out an accurate tier list for the game.

As far as i remember there used to be a console version of world warrior or hyper fighting or one of the early SF2 games with a cheat in it that let you do that. It’s the only way i can think of that you could level the playing field enough to have both characters played at an equally high level, with equal reaction time, speed, ability of execution, knowledge of possible options, etc…

By getting the cpu to play 100 matches of ryu vs honda, both on top difficulty, and see what the result is, if CPU ryu wins 70 out of 100 matches or whatever, that would put the matchup at a reliable 7-0 in his favour, and once each possible matchup has been run 100 times, a table could easily be worked out to figure out what the overall tiers and matchup stats are based on concrete information instead of all the usual tier list theory fighter arguments.

I’m not as technical as a lot of you guys on this thread, so i’m not sure whether or not it’s feasible to plug the AI into itself lin that way.

Is this do-able?

This sounds like the very worst way to do tier lists and I strongly discourage it. CPU characters use different gameplay rules entirely, have limited pre-coded attack patterns, have inhuman reaction times, and generally play completely differently from human players. The only tier list that something like this could produce is a CPU-vs-CPU tier list, and would be of no insight about actual human play.

Oh please please do this, the tier thread is entertaining already this will just make it infinitely better to read!

Also this now means Terry S Groove is tops in CVS2.

SSF2 allowed cpu vs cpu in vs mode, at least for console you just had to press and hold select after leaving the handicapp/stage select screen

I’ve done that before, ryu ended up like #1, fei was mid tier, guile/sim were the lowest tier.

However, it would be great just to see what the tiers are in terms of CPU play.

I didn’t do a full 100 matches though.

Hmmm. You’re probably right, there would be something unquantifiable that would be missing from having an entirely computer run tier list. Human reaction and the mindgames that are possible based on character choice should probably come into it somewhere, and until the CPU has a better AI model, a tier list based off it’s predictable limited paterns would probably be quite limited. The AI plays by defined conditions too, Like you say, it probably isn’t playing the characters to their full potential either, despite it’s insane reaction times. Good point. It would be interesting to see the tiers that that method would output, but probably not any use as a definitive chart.

I do like the idea of being able to compile a tier list based off of the chartacters being played to their fullest potential, without any human error, but the AI probably isn’t up to it as it stands. Anyways, sorry to derail the thread a bit, it’s just something that seems interesting to me.

Yeah, that was the one, i remember now. I had it on import for the snes with one of those adaptor cartridges. That brings me back…:rofl:

I just hope it was somewhere good that I brought you to. :wgrin:

Dude, I’m probably outing myself as a total supreme geek/dork, but I used to run tourneys with my bro in Saturn Alpha 3 with CPU vs. CPU. Hahaha. It was maaaaaad entertaining to watch. We created 8 teams of four characters and ran 32 man brackets. Hahaha. They would score points for their teams and such depending on how far into the bracket they got and such.

Man, when you’re both in college and broke as hell, you’ll find all sorts of stupid ways to entertain yourself.

  • James

You are not alone, I’ve entertained myself alot watching the lvl 8 CPU tear itself apart. Man I’m a loser.

There’s no need to create an AI.

Has everyone already forgotten? One already exist.

It’s name is DGV. It’s programmer is Vintage.

Every Ranbat Vintage brings this big bulky box of wires and motherboards in a shopping cart, then plugs him into the Xbox 360.

So unfair. :sad:

OMG, i thought i was the only one. Hahahah. How sad are we? :rofl: