Street Fighter 4 for the Nintendo 3DS

Interesting. Notice there are some 3D elements and what appears to be a 2D background… Still good.

the more fighting games on the go, the merrier i always say.

So I can’t be the only one thinking of building a custom stick with a 3DS embedded in it, can I?

Just hope I still have money to burn when the time comes :slight_smile:

Why are people ripping on this, this is great! DS was seriously lacking in the fighting game department (which was a huge dissapointment) and now we will be gettin portable SSF4. YES!! I just hope they include all the characters though which might not happen however (depending on the game storage format used)…

I need more information before I can make a judgement.

looks like upgarded iphone version.

not too interested ,if i play street fighter i will play the proper version.

Whoa. I just realised that the DS was the first Nintendo handheld to not have a Street Fighter game in its library.

Do want, and come on guys, you know that PC version is coming out, they’re just keeping mum about it. Should be hilarious to feel like Ken is gunna kick my face or something. xD

You are correct sir

the game carts are going to be 2gb, so I imagine they could easily get all the characters

ok thanks for confirmation

excellent! 2gb is pretty massive, great news.

I would like this having a 4 button scheme, instead of a touch screen control like the Iphone version

It can have a six button theme you know,
Y = Light Punch
X = Medium Punch
B = Light Kick
A = Medium Kick
L or R could be High Punch and High Kick, of course customizable controls would be a good factor in this

I’m excited for this! I hope it’s more like a downgraded console version rather than an upgraded iphone version. I think they’ll mix it up a bit. Use the six face buttons for the L, M, H P/K. They dont have a PPP or KKK button, so they may use the touch screen for it. Hitting three buttons plus doing a motion on the stick would be hard.
Alternatively, I’d like to see an ultra being executed with just PP or KK. Or they could do something funny and let us use a voice command. Shout “Ultraaaaaa” like Chris Hu would to unleash the pain :stuck_out_tongue:

or they can just do like what they did in the gameboy sf

x+b for ppp

a+y for kkk or something of that nature

I see a few ways around the no-3K/3P button problem. One is to, as has been pointed out earlier, use the touchscreen for it. Another is to simply make Ultra motion + EX input trigger the Ultra. I.e. use TWO punch/kick buttons instead of one.

Although that latter option might make it easier to accidentally Ultra when you’re looking to EX. Hrm.

Okay, how about this: LP+MP or LK+MK = EX. HP+(LP or MP) or HK+(LK or MK) = Ultra. In other words, with the regular button config, you use the face buttons to do EX, and shoulder and one face button to do Ultra.

3rd strike on psn and xbox live plz and not this waste of shit

Well, they are releasing Dreamcast games for download, so there’s a slightly higher chance of that than before.

tbh i screamed when i saw ssf4 on the corner of that one slide during the 3ds announcement. screamed like an endgangered chinchilla.

i cant stand using any buttons on the left side of a controller in a fighting game.
that hand is in control of the pad/stick.