Still, I wish the Story had at least more varied battles. Just to reccap how the fights go:
Grunts, Grunts, Grunts, Ultron Sigma (boss), Chun/Dante, Thor, Hulk, Grunts, Grunts, Grunts, Haggar, Grunts, Nemesis, Grunts, Grunts, Zero, Grunts, Morrigan, Dormammu/Firebrand, Grunts, Spiderman, Jedah, Grunts, Jedah, Grunts, Jedah (boss), Grunts, Grunts, Ultron Sigma (boss), Thanos, Gamora/Ryu, Ultron Omega (boss), Ultron Omega (final boss)
They could’ve easily scrapped most of these, replace them with a short and simple action cutscene, and have 3 distinct boss battles - Ultron sigma in Xgard, Jedah in Dark Kingdom, Ultron Omega in the Throne Room. Most of the fights are there to stall for time and artifically prolong the story mode when the cutscenes alone cut the longevity to just under 2 hours