“This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end”
So… yea. Tomorrow?
“This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end”
So… yea. Tomorrow?
<3 Dan
I can’t play tomorrow. I’m actually going to the doctor tomorrow I been having really bad abdomen pains for a while now since spring break, I hope nothing is wrong, i cant even do my hw its bothering me so much. :\
can someone play tonight? I’ll be at scotts. We’ll be playing mostly 3s.
I hope it’s not an appendicitis :sad:; get well soon.
ooh, count me in. I’ll be home at 6.
thank goodness for the power of stryper and their super magic or else we’d all still be dead.
“You’re on a mission,
and you’re wishin’ someone could cure your lonely condition.
Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places,
no fine girls, just ugly faces.
From frustration, first inclination,
is to become a monk and leave the situation.”
Is this what happen to Ryu???
JMS fo realz?
Which one be the true JMS?
BTW scott… I am going to post a challenge for next weekend. We shall play for something tasty – some kind of cupcakes or cake or something… I must not lose any more!
This weekend, when is good for peeps?
Scott: its not appendicitis thank God, but it hurts just like it lol.
Andy, those videos are broken as hell haha.
Yo I’ll let you guys know if I’ll be able to play, since I been really ill this week I am super behind as fuck in classes so ima have to play catch up.
Hey Savonne, glad its nothing terminal. Though… you could have been like Ukyo… I mean wouldn’t that have been smashing!? Ok don’t listen to me.
Missed Tuesday again, looking forward to this weekend…
Ok, we will play for some form of cake but only if it’s 5v5 coop cup style.
i didnt know rich went by the name big cheese
[quote=“Carmen, post:208, topic:35075”]
Hey Savonne, glad its nothing terminal. QUOTE]
A terminal INVASION maybe.
red button, blue button, green button, yellow
big cheese on the screen oh y hello
lol, timeless!
scott, I have no idea what that means, but I’ll give it a go lol
I think he’s trying to watch his girlish figure by passing off his piece of cake to one of many teammates.
The 21 movie was terrible. Stay away.
Is something going down today? Going DOWN? Let me know!
i cant play today
If I get work done today, I’ll try to play tomorrow (Sun)
Hey Scott, missed you again, was at the library (but not by choice… err…) Probably see you guys… well… next Tuesday it looks like, unless theres something on the cards for Friday. A shame I missed it, could have shown you and Andy my Chun v 1.5 (Alpha, still in testing)
I live in a cave. Nice!