State College Spring 2007: A Fresh Cup

Hey man – this weekend I am away but next weekend we can do it…

I feel kind of bad because I promised that you could borrow the 19 inch RGB, but now it’s running my Saturn (recently modded it) and I’ve been using it alot – but we can figure something out + I have those commodore monitors you could use for RGB…and that big sucker too… I’m also looking at upgrading and getting the 25 inch version of the monitor I have (because the other 25 inch has some issues since I dropped it when I first got it)…

Let’s get together next week and play a bit over at my place (Thanh, you around too? Josh?) and then we can work on the cable over the weekend…


I am moving back sometime within the next month or so

prepare accordingly :cool: :cool: :cool:

If you have a use for the rgb tv, then you hang on to it. But how about my vga monitor? I found this tutorial:

I might have a xbox vga box in state college, i have to call and find out, is that what your talking about?

deepthoughts: I have a commdore monitor too if you want. Just let me know.

ssb: I am free july 2-3, 7-8.

We can definitely VGA the xbox and it looks awesome – if rich can find that box he used to have; otherwise we can build one. There’s a guy on facebook (local sc guy) selling an xbox with 2 controllers + halo 2 for 50 bucks – anyone want it? He’s selling a TV I might be interested in, so we could go together and get the whole package for 85 bucks, which is a hell of a deal…

I want it. I need another xbox. I’ll go in on that deal with you ssb. Let me know where to send the check.

FMJ: Yes, the vga box is probably my best option. If you have one you don’t use anymore, I can make you an offer.

Another option is to modify the a/v cable to plug directly into a vga monitor (I think). A tutorial I found requires installing something called Pixel8 firmware, which I don’t know anything about. I’m relying on Bomberman’s expertise for this one.

Alpha: Thanks for the offer; I’ll keep it in mind.

Yo T, once I hear back, I’ll make the offer (I asked some questions about the TV) and let you know…


Come August I might be visiting SC. Make your time.

Hey, again…

Hey people, sorry for disappearing all suddenly. I got VERY busy with family problems and school during Spring so I was never able to hang out with you guys. I’m back here in the summer until August (something) though… are any of you still here? I would look forward to hanging out!

Hey Carmen, Alphastorm and I are going to play later this afternoon. I sent you a PM with my number if you’d like to join us.

ggpo! Where is fmj? I want to beat him down!


Scott, Andy: Sorry I can’t play this weekend. I am free the following weekend and this coming monday or tuesday.

Well, I can do any evening, so it’s up to Andy. By the way Andy, what do I need for the vga output mod? I can go by the computer store or radio shack.

Who wants to play one night this week? Andy, I heard Thursday may work for you? Anyone else interested? Josh, Carmen?

Yes indeed. Thursday night is go go go. We can do like 7-10 or 11 ish. Maybe sooner. I can do a pickup for folks at Deep’s place.

It’s just like the old days! :crybaby:

oh shi jms