damn that sucks savonne, i trust you have a good reason.
sean - 15 min drive, something like that. maybe less.
damn that sucks savonne, i trust you have a good reason.
sean - 15 min drive, something like that. maybe less.
Who wants to pick me up for NEC?
super mega ultra happy surprise!
http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/s/l/slh310/videos/VS%20-JeRon%20vs%20gbUrsine-3.MPG updates tomorrrow
this is for you kyle:
whats up all,
Sean when did you move to Lions Gate? I used to live there for 3 years…
I bought a Wii…its so much fun…I need to find a Wii Sports tournament to enter…
i’ve been in lions gate for just this semester. then I move out and go who knows where…
ima buy a nintendo game cube eventually. thats where the shit is imo
Gamecube? the wii is backwards compatible, has gamecube controller ports. It’s $250 as opposed to $100, but whatever you get now on GC your going to want later on wii, so mightaswell get the better one now.
unless you plan on getting a used GC for $50, then reselling it next year when the wii (reportedly) will actually play dvds, thats not a bad deal either.
wii sports is crack
oh snaps, a bottle a hole… of lipton glass bottle iced tea.
Always remember, you can’t have a team without the tea.
I can have as many teams as I want with my tequila.
Oh my word… Sunny does exist!
Sean, we need some Vampire online.
i hate it when i drink too much and my bottle is emptea
Wii Golf is the worst game outta the 5…Wii Tennis and Bowling are the sh!ts…
What are you smokin? Wii boxing is the best! I pick the scary chick with the thick eyebrows. I played it 3 hours straight. I have a Wii arm now.
team state college @ NEC 2006
sean i for one know you can take first in vs
jeron is a hack
he’s no hack; but the good thing is, I know where I need to improve, know how to do it, as well as the fact that its doable. I lost to myself, but played damn well. end of story.