this is so cool. so we can finally conclude that US T2’s speed is equal to JP T3 in practice. The few frames difference out of 50 seconds is negligible.
so besides gief’s neutral headbutt causing instance dizzy, they are the same.
we can use either US or JP boards in tourney.
sorwah, if you can spend a little time next week, please also test asia version :china: tia
My reference to that was in comparison to GMC & USA. However, speeds of the stages (Dhalsim compared to Ryu) is that there’s a 3 second difference, or roughly 180 frames. Assuming it were to be a consistent drop you’d be having 3 frames disappear every second. For that reason, the one frame links and reversal timings can be considered different due to this.
For those interested, I compared Guile’s stage on HD Remix. Below are the corresponding data for the game using the same timing frames as I did with CPS2.
A Video can be located here comparing all three: [media=youtube]Ht9_wLhOxXQ[/media]
*edit, just noticed the video didn’t have the Round 1, fight for GMC/USA vids, but they started on the correct frame. Don’t feel like redoing it just to add those 3 seconds back.