ST Mirrors

When attempting to describe what playing a Honda mirror is like, one simply cannot use the English language to properly depict such stupidity. I would normally use words like shitcanassrape, but since I just made up shitcanassrape, it doesn’t live up to the descriptive standards of real words. However, I think this picture does sufficient justice in summing up a Honda mirror.

Seriously, mirrors should be banned or something

Just cant believe ppl actually like watching guile vs guile. Just who gets the 1st attack runs back in his turtle shell ftw.

The only mirror matches worth a damn in this game are Akuma Mirrors. For the rest, Id rather see paint dry.

this is the only guile mirror i like


Muteki with them advanced combos, and kara-flash kicks.

I love Ryu mirrors. Fucking love them.

me too. muteki vs kurahashi is always a good match no matter what the match up is.