SSFIV: Are Ultra combos a big part of your game plan?

Thanks, I’ve seen that in a video but it looks like the ultra just juggles instead of fully connects in that situation (PLEASE correct me if I’m wrong). That, and I’m not at the stage where I’m messing with FADCs yet. Thanks for the tip, though.

Ultras are important, but don’t base your game plan and play style off of them. Just consider it another tool added to your arsenal when you actually get it.

Like Valaris said, having the ultra stocked and ready to go is enough to put your opponent on guard, since it could lead into a combo or a punish at any time.

The only set up she has for the full Ultra (w/ animation) to connect is if you do an EX tk C. Strike into ultra. The last hit of C. Spike FADC Ultra will do more damage to compensate for the neck breaker ending animation not happening.

If Ultra happens, Ultra happens, but more often than not the round ends with my Ultra still stocked. Basically what the Akuma player said.

Sometimes I forget that it scares my opponent when I have an ultra (well, the good ones anyway). Great advice though!

Anyway, if it helps, I don’t quite have a main, but I use Guy, Rose, Juri, and thinking of picking up Cammy. Guy: U2, Rose: U1/U2 depending on match-up, Juri: U2. I don’t think any of the characters I use depend on their ultra to win, not even Juri, whose Kaisen supposedly pales in comparison to FSE.

I like to sit on my ultra so i can find different ways out of bad situations other than the ultra. For an example using Cammys u1 to go under fireballs Id rather find a more reliable way around fireballs without getting punished instead of using the ultra because then in the long run i wont really need it to win. Thats why i picked Cammys U2 because I have to really know what Im doing to successfully land it since its a counter ultra. Also sitting on your ultra kind of makes your opponent stop and rearrange their gameplan because you have it.

I main Abel and both of his ultras are very good. I use U1 against Ryu, Sagat and other characters who rely on their fireball since they can escape U2 depending on the distance, their recovery on the fireball, and when I use U2. I also use U1 on Blanka because imo it’s easier to punish the Blanka Ball than U2.

Since U2 can’t be combo into, I use it against Zangief, T. Hawk, anyone who doesn’t rely on a armor breaking move or fireballs. I also use it on online Ken scrubs since they might do a DP and don’t FADC and trick them when they are knocked down by using it and cancel U2 before they wake up and they might do an Ultra or a DP and I get a free punish.

There are tons of opportunities to set up Cammy’s Ultra1 in particular, but these are just some I’ve found useful over time.

CS > FADCB > Ultra (especially after a tricky hooligan over setup)
Spinning Back fist > Ultra
TKCS > Ultra (or EX TKCS)
Jumping fierce/RH > Ultra
Ultra 1 PROPERLY SPACED through projectiles (invincibility at startup)
Punishing whiffed DP/wakeup options
Hooligan Razor Slide >> Ultra

Anyways, I tend to lean towards using CQC on Cammy more, simply because I hate the fact of relying on Ultras, since those don’t necessarily make me a better player. Having CQC is more or less a fail-safe than anything, in that I’m going to have to use footsies/normals/mixups/shenanigans to deal my damage effectively, and I can’t rely on simply throwing out an ultra to give me free damage. With CQC, I kind of have to anticipate something, and thats where I activate it, and even then its still situational. My opponent can very well see I have CQC selected and choose to use only safe/armor breaking moves, in which case I have no choice but to rely on normals/specials to deal damage.

I like using Ultras, but I more appreciate using them sparingly to condition my opponent to play smarter, otherwise he’s going to eat big damage. I’ve never gotten to the point where I drop my entire gameplan simply to land a Gyro Drive smasher. To me, learning is kind of more fun than winning, only unless I can have both. I’d rather learn to fight with my current arsenal instead of rely on my ultra to pull me out of sticky situations.

But I still use Ultras of course, just my playstyle doesnt revolve around landing it every time it is active.

It usually depends on my character, with Cammy and Fei Long I do end up using their U1 a lot but usually just to punish.

i main dudley and i try to use ultra 2 when i get an opening on someone. i use it in combos, focus crumble, or when someone jumps/forward dash.

i usually rely on supers and normals than i do ultra cuz i haven’t gotten down some of the combination of imputs for certain charecters

With my recent love of Cammy i use her U1 to punish scrub shotos that like to use unsafe fireballs, usually on wake up. other than that though i generally dont use it. I like to think of the ultra as a “use when there is an opening” scenario whereas i see a lot of people that use it simply because they have it.

No, ideally my playing will be solid enough that I don’t need one. And if it’s not, Bison’s ultras are really good for punishing aside from the one real setup he has.

It usually depends on who I’m fighting, but I would say they are.

Usually if I’m fighting turtlers, or fireball users, I use Gen’s U2, which is good for punishing players like that. Another reason why it’s a big part of my game is because when I cross up, I usually do it into Gen’s Zanei Super Combo. When the Ultra meter is filled, I follow this up with whatever Ultra I have in stock to do even greater damage. So, Ultra Combos are an integral part of my game.

I used to use them quite often in my game when i had a certain degree of certainty of it landed, or basically anytime as a punisher.

But over the past few weeks, I’ve basically been sitting on my ultra for entire matches and never really using it. My game plan now basically involves sitting on it, and if i happen to force an opponent to make a mistake, I’ll punish with it, by this at times is dependent on how much charge my Ultra has, otherwise, I’ll punish with a decent combo.

he meant if they try to jump in on him. smart.

It helps if there’s a setup you can use that can be utilized whether you have your ultra or not.

As Sakura, an EX tatsu pretty much can be followed up by anything. Generally as I’m landing it I glance at my meters (to see if I have Ultra and my meter status) and glance at their health, then decide whether to follow up with:

[]Ultra - almost always if I think it will be the final attack, depending on health I might use it anyway for a guaranteed/bigger health lead
]Reset-> mixup - if I’m up on health and think the risk is worth it
[*]Normal followup - When Ultra isn’t available and option #2 is not worth it
So for me it’s based on a “if it’s there, I’ll probably use it depending on your health.” Sakura has a lot of options for this, but maybe you can find a few with your character.

Also, like already mentioned, the **threat **of a possible Ultra punish can make your opponent second-guess themselves if they realize they could be punished hard on their next move.

He meant what he wrote, I can read too!
And even if the person is jumping in, most wake up ultras are a terrible idea since they can be safejumped.

Actually Viper’s U2 is pretty damn useful, seismich throw -> high jump -> U2.

Not to mention that you can punish jumps aswell.

beside the obvious dp fadc combo, you can juggle off of spinning back fist (EX and mp are the least shit, although even with the ability to juggle afterwards, they’re still not used much) and off of a perfectly spaced spiral arrow. You can also link off of EX cannon strike, and counter hit cr. fierce.

You probably can’t actually do those (except for the two non-fadc juggles, which are more difficult to get your oponent to fall for), but they are there.

As for my character, for chun, if I’ve picked Ultra 1, I’ve done it to shut down specific moves I think my oponent is going to try, so it’s a huge part of my plan, if I’m using U2, then the only plan is “if they leave an opening, combo into Ultra”. For other character’s it’s different, and the OP really needs to learn, that to get anwers for questions like this, you need to tell people your character.