SSFIIT HDR Matchmaking

Tag’s - ScrubtacularWin / SteveTren / OG-RYU-1992
Characters - RYU, RYU, hmmm RYU… Oh and I might dabble with the new AKUMA!!
Controllers - One of my 12 sticks… lol

XBL: Jennero
Characters: Ryu, DeeJay, Sagat, Guile and Dhalsim.
Controller: Hori EX2

Gamertag: AlephJL
Characters: Chun, Guile, Ryu
Controller: Hori EX2

Also, I made an account that I’ll just add SRK members to. The tag for that is SRKMembersList. I can add you with that or you add me, whatever.

GamerTag: SlasherKing009
Characters: Fei long, cammy, Akuma
Controller: hori ex 2

Great. This should be edited into the first post.

so there is no possible way for xbl players to play ps3 players is there?

mircosoft and sony won’t agree on that

I know I’m going to get my ass handed to me just like in HF but I cannot wait for this remake. It seems as if my favorite (Zangief) may actually be a contender. This game is going to be fucking sick.

I’ll be making a return to SF for this game.

Gamertag: caelum adustum

I play all characters except T-hawk, Dee-Jay, and Gief.

Pad scrub.

Gamertag: xbl brian
Characters: Guile, Boxer, and lots of possibilities to add once the game is out.

XBL GamerTag:Reiko Mori
Your Characters:Cammy, Sagat, Fei Long(now that I can do his flying kicks)
Controller:360 pad until SF 4 sticks drop:((

Severely new player showing up, scrub tier atm.

Gamertag: Amperture
Characters: Will likely play Fei, Guile, and DeeJay
Pad: 360 stock until SF4 stick or custom.

Hi guys, this is timBuck3/timBuck2 from ggpo/2df

xbl gamertag: MisterAcme
characters: focused on dic/ryu/sim/blanka in ST, but i’m sure i’ll be playing around with most characters in HDR


Don’t know characters yet

Hori EX2


Get at me.

xbl user name: haarisabbasi
stick: fighting stick ex 2

Ken, fei long, dictator
Ex2 Hori

Gamertag: WatCnBrwnDo4U
Character: Cammy, Dictator, Chun
Controller: Soon to be custom stick with all Seimitsu parts. For now, official 360 controller.

XBL username: Remy721

Controller: xbox pad

XBL GamerTag: Dances w Ninjas
Characters: Whoever I damn well feel like playing (I’ll lose anyway)
Controller: 360 pad (Now), Custom (Later)