Had a quick question: have these been updated to v2012? If not, are they available anywhere?
Not that I know of. There were some pics on the developer blog of the kongo change but I think that was it. There hasn’t been many changes to Goukens hit/hurtboxes over the revisions. Only ones I can think of are LP palm, kongo, overhead and cl.mk.
Thanks for the follow up. The reason I ask is because I remember very clearly that Capcom said that besides the final list of changes that was noted right before v2012 came out, that there were also additional changes made to characters that Capcom said they weren’t announcing on purpose. It brought about a curiosity for me, as to whether any of the hitboxes for normals, specials, or ultras might have been adjusted or not. It would have been nice to see them for 2012.
To be completely honest, I almost feel like demon flip dive kicks have a better hitbox. Either that, or maybe my precision is getting more surgical.
Anyways, thanks for the quick response!
Yo, we need legitimate hitboxes on Kongo. Those magazine scans are bullshit. I want to see why Im avoiding throws with kongo + I don’t think those mag scans show the supposedly “improved hitboxes” for them.
answer is : b.
There’s a PC mod that displays boxes. I’m going to be away for a bit here tho, so some else will have to do it
Ex tatsumaki box data is from super. It hits crouching short os now. Thank Ra.
All of these hit boxes are from super…