Preciate it man. Honda is the only character I’m worth anything with lol. I’m like how you switched it up and kept things fresh though. You was getting on my ass with Classic Sagat so I had to switch it to Remixed mode lol. Fuck you and Barlog( misspelled on purpose). We had some great battles. Sorry! I didn’t bail, i lost connection then my ps3 froze up. By the time I was back up and running you had signed out. We’ll do it again soon no doubt.
Oddly enough, the multiple player rooms are often the ones filled with the most skill. I have no prob with one on one sets, but many people like to play other players as well. It keeps things fresh and is sort of reminiscient of arcade days. Also, you can learn a thing or two from spectating matches.
Sir Bullyfoot! Add me in (or anyone else here on the boards) if you wouldn’t mind so I can crisp up my Guile. Trying to put Atlantic South on the map for Final Round! I also use pretty much everyone, especially since there are new strategies to iron out. :woot:
GG’s dude, nice we got to play, GGPO never let us for some odd reason. Sorry I had to leave, got a call from a really old, and cute, friend. Couldn’t let that one wait. We’ll get more in for sure.
Just a quick question guy’s when you play someone on SSF2THDR do they appear in your players met section on your home page cos mine dosen’t dose yours?