SRK's Capcom Fighters Network List (aka Grappling Buds)


I’ll add you later

You too man.

I want to get as many aussie players as possible for when the battle lounges get opened up.

Travis2310 | PSN | Chun-Li/Karin | Beginner (good internet connection btw)

Playing some FGs again, YAY!

AlterGenesis | AlterGenesis | PS4 | Canada | Karin/Nash | Beginner

johnnypao | thelogride | PS4 | West Coast, USA | Dhalsim | Beginner/Intermediate

Need people to play with after 9pm PST on weekdays.

Pajooh | PS4 | Philadelphia, PA | Ryu | Beginner/Intermediate

Is anyone from the Philly area? I really would prefer to play this game in person especially with the way online is. PM if you are interested.

DRCsyntax | DRCsyntax | PS4 | PNW (Washington)| Nash | Intermediate/Advanced

Whats your CFN?

TSnooze | BillyH | PC | East Coast | Necalli | Beginner

Arkkai | Arkkai | PS4 | Mexico | Karin | Intermediate

Hyunsai | Hyunsai | PS4 | West Indies | Claw | Beginner

Jupe | JupeMK | PC | Finland, EU | Laura | Intermediate/Beginner. Feel free to also add me on steam to chat during practice, profile id 76561197975486616

Science | Millhouse | PS4 | East Coast, USA | Nash | Beginner

PSN ID: LokknezPM

ElectroManiac | PepeTrueno | PC Steam (ElectroManiac)| South America (Venezuela) | Chun | Noob

Even though I’m on South America, I’m more close to the US than to other SA countries like Argentina or Brasil, so my ping is better with US east coaster and central. Venezuela is in the norther part of SA

Also my steam is ElectroManiac so all PC pals can add me there if you want.

I’m pretty much a noob, and would appreciate any help you more experience people can give me :slight_smile:

Edit: Also people who are on Steam add your steam name as well so we can add eachother. I think PSN people should do the same.

Girthedestroyer |Ozzy_Booty|PS4 |East Coast, Ny| Cammy| beginner/intermediate

The Martian | Shadaloo_Martian | PS4 |Colorado | Your Mom | Intermediate

Geniuzz | GatsbytheGreat | PS4 | Netherlands/Western Europe | Ryu | Intermediate

Which character is referred to as ‘Your Mom’?

ProudDisciple I ProudDisciple I PS4 I Central Texas I Birdie I Newbie

Graphic | Storm-King | PS4 | US | Cammy | Beginner-Intermediate