The last time we ran an All Stars game, the game number right before it was 9, right? We just finished 18. So, by that logic, shouldn’t the game right before the All Stars game be 19? Meaning we should have another game before it?
In order to maintain consistency on the selection processes, we probably should run All-Star games in intervals of 9 games. Thus, every 9 games, there should be an All-Star game.
So All-Stars I would be after SRK Mafia IX, All-Stars II would be after XVIII, AS III would be after XXVII, and so on and so forth.
I think originally the idea was game 10 would be the allstar game. But then along the way it became a separate thing and not SRK Mafia 10, in which case I would rewind time and do Mafia 1-10 then Allstar 1 instead to satisfy that nice feeling of picking round numbers.