SRK Lounge: Ronin was here

Wowwwwww… When I saw the top of the image I thought the image just had trouble uploading or someshit until I srolled down and managed to make out the buildings. That shit looks like a bad grayscale scan. How can people breath in that???

Dude. Look right smack in the middle of that picture. Is that Ultraman?


That’s what it looks like when somebody is winning an argument where somebody can’t come up with an actual response?

not my fault that I want a world of equality, instead of minorities looking for handouts because of shit that happened CENTURIES AGO.

Or maybe I can ask for a handout because some white guy got killed by Shaka Zulu over 200 years ago?

All I ask is why is it only considered racism when white people are racist, but the rest of the world gets a free pass? Please answer in something more intelligent than 'You’re an idiot".

LOL Is this really happening?

Don’t be mad because it’s the first thing Marvel has done right since Toby Maguire as Spider-Man.

Do people even like this new Captain America?

Gotta love how Thor is now dating dude’s backups. Maybe Marvel can have Medusa from the Inhumans start dating Foggy Nelson or Walrus Man. Rogue could kiss DOOP, and Jean Grey will have her love triangle expanded to Scott, Logan, and Daken.

I was referring to the fact that Matriarch set bombed you harder than Putin hitting turkey.

Nobody cares about your lover’s quarrel with Raz0r.

I literally still have no clue what she even said, or how it ‘bombed me’. You thirsty mother fuckers make me chuckle. So eager to prove yourself to a dude pretending to be a guy.

It’s the Kayo Police saga all over again. I’m waiting for you lonely homos to organize some money to send Matt to Evo or Cancun or something.

It ain’t a quarrel, it’s rather one sided. Raz0r been getting tossed around in virtually every thread lately, and his only recourse is to throw out a lame insult and hope to God nobody notices him getting his ass handed to him while still wearing skinny jeans.

(Haha, because the first Civil War was such a great story arc that totally didn’t destroy anyone’s characterization. Right…)

I still don’t understand how you guys put with American superhero comics given all of the bullshit they inevitably get around to doing. Isn’t this coming right after Marvel’s “Crisis on Omnipotent Doom” reboot too? I could have understood Marvel doing this shit before that reboot, especially given that Steve Rogers apparently got mind-wiped because he disagreed with what the Illuminati were doing, but making a Civil War II that takes place after the reboot is just stupid on multiple levels.

Oh well. Look on the bright side: At least it will finally knock God Loves, Man Kills II out of its current reigning spot as “worst, unnecessary comic book sequel Marvel has done”.

…They can’t, hence the alert.

My sides.

*Looks like Iron Man is standing his ground against Black America. *

Is like they really want to surpass what DC has been doing to Batman those last few years with all the shit that they had done to Tony.

What I meant was that how can people still live there?

For about…three weeks now you’ve just been on a rampage being a terrible poster.


lol I’ve always been a terrible poster.

That doesn’t mean I am incorrect.

(I’m not sure what the most amusing part of the current exchange is.)

It’s currently a three-way tie: that Pertho quoted crotchpuncha as SoVi3t somehow, that SoVi3t typo’d into the sentence of “So eager to prove yourself to a dude pretending to be a guy”, or that it’s pretty arguable that people who go for trannies would still see themselves as heterosexual because they’re (supposedly) going for the upper girl bitches and (vaguely) feminine features more than anything else.

Actually, no, the most amusing thing is that the two are bored enough to be arguing over nothing in the first place. I know it’s Monday, but come on, there has to be something else to do.

Considering how Tony was almost literally fascist during the first Civil War and the only “important” character to die was a black guy–Goliath–in that whole mess, this isn’t terribly surprising. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tony “shot” first and then claimed to be innocent given that was technically what happened in the first Civil War given he was head of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time and stupid-ass Maria Hill–who came off scot-free–is the person who started Captain America’s official defection anyway.

With face masks and the ancient Chinese secret of pretending shit is okay when it isn’t a.k.a. observing the storyline that the current One Party system in China wants them to subscribe to and follow.

Besides, if they moved somewhere else, they’d just pollute somewhere else. Let them live and die in Beijing for all I care; they’ve already helped to fuck up the planet more than enough.

(Also, I’m not sure why you needed to quote all of that.)

LOL I had to reread my own typo like 40 times before i saw the mistake