Also, I’m not going to go in heavy yet, but there is a certain someone we all need to beware.
@Vynce, I am only willing to play nice right now only because you know what I’m going to do and could spoil it. I think we know who Angel, you, and I got (assuming our sponsors were truthful.)
@Pietastic, tell me if you’re passing up the research report, cause I could use that information.
Yeah the info is pretty handy to have but at what cost to the individual. If we know bious didn’t get any defence tonight he’s an easy target tomorrow.
It’s not that I don’t want Pie to have it, it’s that I want it. Info on Vynce is my priority right now, and knowing the rest of you bastards would help me as well. This is a game of no guarantees, so I’ll take whatever advantage I can get.