yeah i just noticed the posting software doesnt even allow image upload, its just image URL. so its literally just storing and serving up text. and you can track latest posts in “Whats news” and you can see we get barely 1 post per minute. either they are massive incompetent, lying their ass off, or both
There offering is super barebones. It doesn’t even seem to offer categories.
My issue is Vanilla gives $1,200 for a million page views a month. Your telling me we get over a million page views but it isn’t worth saving? That seems backwards.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t SRK have a monthly donation goal of $250 to help keep the servers running maybe about ten years ago? I vaguely remember there being a progress bar at the top of the main page.
I agree, clearly the owners don’t give a fuck, not even enough fucks to raise some money and cut their own personal costs down, that’s so many fucks not given it’s idiotic.
Mcribs taxes bro
I would gladly support the site, I had to sign up to stupid twitter to vote in their bullshit poll. 2K seems really out of line though. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS POLL NOT ON SRK?
In my experience people didn’t run AdBlock here because there were ads, they ran them because of how many ads there were. When my laptop was still alive I ran AdBlock because you get the banner at the top, a banner beneath that, ads on the sides of the page, and there was the unforgivable strip at the bottom which would expand if you so much as dragged your mouse over it. I click a video, go to adjust my volume, oh hey now an ad from coca cola has engulfed the entire page. It was fucking annoying. Not to mention the ad banners used to break the notifications page too.
I no longer use AdBlock here because I browse on a phone, where there are no ads. FYI.
Edit: additionally, my laptop was an old piece of shit. The enormous amount of gifs/autoplay video/expanding ads kinda wreaked havoc on my cpu.
I work for a hosting company. The forum by itself can definitely be run for far less than $2000 per month.
Dump the content and database, port to a cheaper forum software, on a dedicated server.
Looking at maybe $3000 per year.
rockb gifs drove up the price obv
Evo and e sport money looking funny in the light
holy shit the codinghorror dude even responded looooool
I didn’t wanna be the one to say it, even though I’m sure many others got the same impression as soon as 2k/monthly was mentioned. Not hard to imagine someone’s pockets were getting lined. Whether those pockets were on the Vanilla software side or the SRK administration side is beyond me. Probably shouldn’t rule out the possibility that Cannon mentioned a higher dollar amount, just for insurance sake. But that would require him to care about the forum, which he clearly stated isn’t the case. Plus bolstering the costs would just come back to bite him eventually.
Hmph, whatever.
But why didn’t you do that years ago for however long SRK has been in the red as you put it?!! Why are you telling us you can migrate us over to a cheaper server instead of doing it the moment you knew things were getting too expensive?
People can’t help if they don’t know you’re in need.
Vanilla Enterprise cloud hosting costs 1200 a month.
Vanilla installed on your own server costs 0.
Discourse cloud hosting costs 300 a month.
Discourse installed on your own server costs 0.
I’m not sure what their current hosting is like, but if they are paying in the neighborhood of 800 a month (2000 - vanilla’s 1200), then it should be able to support any forum they want.
I’d really hope they just host it themselves so we don’t have another issue like last time.
EVO losing over 2k total competitors in a year hurts!
Honestly, even if we hosted it ourselves (assuming no one coughs up free hosting) we’d probably be in the range of $300+ unless someone runs it out of their closet so if he gets $500 he isn’t exactly getting ripped off and takes a lot of headache off him. If they do migrations that saves us a lot of headache.
Patreon integration sounds cool also. I don’t mind giving $10-20 a month for these forums. Hope they show a funding bar.