Also I might consider becoming a sponsor instead as well. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice about it; I’ve actually been really excited about this game. It might be too heavy of a load though.
Added this to the top of the page, but repeating it here just to make sure that everyone sees it.
48 hours before the game starts, I will PM all players asking them to pick a number between 1 and X, where X is the amount of signed-up players. The first person who signed up gets first pick, then second gets second pick, etc. If a player joins 48 or less hours before the game starts, they will automatically be assigned X+1, X+2, etc. The number that each player picks will determine their ability.
@ForgeDigger Let me know when you decide if you want to be a participant or a sponsor.
@SWBeta It’s not a Mafia game, it’s an Arena game, which is a more single player oriented game than Mafia. You’d still have to worry about dying in the first three phases though. You won’t have to worry about dying early on because everyone else is mad at each other (and therefore not you) from the last Mafia game.
You don’t get to pick your number, I’m assigning it for you.
#0: The only Action you can take during a phase is ‘Suck X’s Dick’, where X is the name of a Player in the game. If you manage to suck every alive Player’s dick as well as the GM’s, you will be rewarded with the ‘Sasha Grey’ Ability.