SR-2K$ Lounge: How the hell does NuRK work?

Wait did my choco hunny bunny Bria Myles gain back her weight after she went crazy like Jennifer Hudson with all the fitness?!

She sure did!!!

And now, I introduce the lounge to the Obsidian one.

Maximum damage mode: ENABLED

And to lesson the butthurt of getting the Truth slammed across their faces, hereā€™s a gif of a random skinny girl dancing near a stove.


LTTP on dude in the wheelchair talking shit. I couldnā€™t stop laughing. Guy recording handled it like a champ. I wouldā€™ve had my mugshot posted on the 6 oā€™ clock news, with a video of e beating dudeā€™s ass and cussing his legs out for not working.

^We Bare Bears is turning too real.

Sessions about to give that pigeon a 30-year sentence up in Deboā€™s pigeon coup.

I just saw what @Million said about Ariana Grande. I shouldnā€™t be surprised but I am. LOL!! Anyway, you can have AG, I prefer Elizabeth Gillies. She was okay on the first season of Victorious but after that, she became hot ass hell with her punk-rock/gothic look. Sheā€™a also going to be on the new Dynasty ā€œrebootā€. Thatā€™s the only reason to watch that show.


Damn, this chick looks BBAAADDDDD in all black. I like.

Fuck junkmail.

The longer you spend on this earth the more these vile fuckers find out about you to slowly erode your sanity with relentless spam.

I served in the Air Force for 4 years with an honorable discharge: I get mail from all kinds of military groups trying to get my membership. Go away Veteranā€™s of Foreign Wars.

I got a bachelorā€™s degree: Undergrad school wants donations and me to join their damn alumni club. Why the fuck would I donate to you when you put me into all this student loan debt? Stop acting like you did me a favor and youā€™re not running a business.

I got a masterā€™s degree: Graduate school wants donations and me to join their damn alumni club. Why the fuck would I donate to you when you put me into all this student loan debt? Stop acting like you did me a favor and youā€™re not running a business.

I joined the American Psychological Association because my doctoral program requires it: I now have shitloads of scientific journals begging for my subscription.

I go to research and training conferences because Iā€™m required to by my program: I get crap in the mail asking me to go to more, ignoring the fact their seminars and travel arenā€™t cheap and Iā€™m a fucking student.

I taught an undergraduate Gen Psych class: I now have textbook companies sending me shit about their upcoming books hoping Iā€™ll secure them thousands in sales by making their text required for my class.

It never ends.

instagram name

Rare picture of Dangerous Jihad:

-Peter SingH, AKA Dangerous Jihad. :bow:

This oneā€™s for you , Pedoviejoā€¦


My grandmother passed away just nowā€¦ I donā€™t even know what to feel right now.

That woman raised me and my siblings. She sacrificed so much for usā€¦ Fuck everything right now.

// Black Jag made the best HAX parody post

/ Because ya boy had no eyebrow drake.

/ This dude gonna kill, the next MFER
// during dinner rush that try to go on break!!

( Shattaā€™s story of his woman bigger than he was by a lot def after emaciation on chemotherapy, body slamming him thru a glass tableā€¦ Black Jag needs to contact his cool online dad Manx, stat, for primo strats )

When youā€™s Sikh, butā€™chu hood though. I see the beanieman.


Sorry to hear that man. When people die, thereā€™s really not much to say. Nothing you can do to make them feel better. I just never like hearing about people losing someone. Shit blows.

My condolences, Po.

Youā€™ll pull through it my dude. Stay strong.

My condolences man.

My deepest condolences to you Po. Nothing I say can take away your pain, but please know that I can empathize with losing someone who you loved and had a huge impact on your life.

If you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on, please let me know.

My grandparents raised one of my cousins because her father was retarded (the legit medical kind). Pop died a couple of yeads back and it broke her completely for a while.

Stay strong, Po.