SR-2K$ Lounge: How the hell does NuRK work?

If God Exists, he sure has a sick sense of humor

  • Edward Elric FMA

Can’t argue with that quote.

Better not take that condom off in the middle of sex.

meh. Everything is sexual assault.

she’s drunk? RAPE!!
she gave consent every other time except for after you finished?RAPE!
she was fine with it last month, but today? RAPE!
She just mad because you bragging about hittin it? RAPE!
You weren’t even there, but she still said you were? RAPE!
Not giving her enough attention? RAPE!
Caught her riding some new dick because you came home early from work? RAPE! but this time it’s the new dick’s fault. Maybe.
bumped into some chick while carrying something heavy? RAPE!

Here’s a new idea. Let 'em cry wolf until nobody listens anymore. If anyone is taking bets, I still think that the race card will get run into the ground faster, but not by much. I also hope buzzfuckers gets rekt soon. “36 questions for men.”

:bluu: Get rekt buzzfuckers.


I’m okay if a broad is too drunk to consent. What’s wrong with waiting until the next day or another time to try to get it in?

Level up your game, homie.

Hi friends.

Reasons why I don’t like hiring interns from poor areas.

Many don’t know towns or even countries outside of the US. I had one pull information from business cards acquired from a trip to Geneva a few weeks ago and she couldn’t even put them on a spreadsheet correctly. For one, she put the country as “Europe.” You’re useless to me if you can’t google the answer for an address.

You live in a country where people think Sweden and Canada are the “worst countries in the world.”

fucking hell.

all this international bombing and terrorizing got me anxious for my family again.
need to make a few long distance calls in a bit.

It’s just no excuse if you’re looking to work in a mentally-challenging field. You need to know a lot to do workable marketing, one of those things is geography. Granted, I consult a globe every other week when it’s a country I’ve little knowledge about but at least I look. This intern just gave me a spreadsheet that’s useless and it’s 3 days late. If it were late and she would have gotten it right I would’ve been okay with that. However, it’s three days late AND she might need even more time to familiarize herself with foreign addresses.

If you can’t even bother to admit you don’t know something and would rather get it wrong than ask for help, you should be in a much simpler field like cashier.

Yea, people that can’t bother to actually educate themselves and learn something on the job should stick to menial ones.

I find it hilarious that so many young people gets their news from BuzzFeed :lol: :lol:

Anyways, I did not expect to bawl like a baby but Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2 fatherhood theme was too op. Fukin onions.

they can’t use google?

That’s ENTIRELY my point. it’s ridiculous that I have to tell them that when, as college students, they should know how to search the internet for basic information.

Most people don’t know how to use google, even fucking Doctors.


Lol people mad that the Jersey City city council is talking about creating a stipulation for luxury apartments in Downtown Jersey City that in order for them to receive their tax abatement they need to offer 15-20% of their units as affordable housing.

The comments are hilarious, too. “What did the poor do to deserve luxury housing! This is an outrage!” Yeah? So you’re okay that these buildings are going to pay a severely lower tax rate for apartments they charge $2K/month for? Do you know how much they’re pocketing and that, if Fulop continues to be mayor, they will probably get a tax abatement extension?

“Shut up, libtard!”

Jersey City sure has changed!

…This is why.

Didn’t hit, didn’t even stay with her, STILL responsible. :tdown: Fuck that shit. her ass was 41 too? Fuck trying to tell me she didn’t know better.


lol so bitter.

That shit is an anomaly and you know it.

I mean… We can all post dumb shit.

Even though I agree with you, didn’t you say it’s okay to slip it in on a sleeping woman if you’ve had sex before?

California: Because Why should Florida have all the WTF?


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