SR-2K$ Lounge: How the hell does NuRK work?

@Raz0r that’s obv @BullDancer
Bitch? Check.
Birdchest? Check.
Weak against women? Check.

That chair vid tho lolololol

Yo that old Jamaican nigga was not playing lmao. Yo I remember my gmom had a kitchen set with chairs like that…they def do not break easy! Nigga basically threw a tree at her lololol. Omg…she got rekt. Good for a fat ass. For some reason I got the SOR2 pipe sound effect in my head when he hit her with the chair… makes it that much more hilarious.

Steven Spielberg is apparently bringing back Animaniacs.

This is a video of a redhead with a gigantic ass, shaking her butt.

those videos are arguments against welfare.

Feminist researcher invents ‘intersectional quantum physics’ to fight ‘oppression’ of Newton

‘Binary and absolute differences’ are ‘exploitative’

The words are really escaping me now, whoa, just whoa…

WTF? :rofl:

Those people that invest 100% into any 1 thing must be a special kind of stupid, man… I see that often on that show American Greed, where someone was running a scam, and you see some of the victims dumped their entire savings into whatever it is…such incredible amounts of foolishness there…it’s the extreme version of a gambler’s mentality. Heh, I should watch more episodes of that for a laugh.

*sheeeit, if it weren’t for the holiday cutting in on the hours… this week’s overtime would be GOLD, man… we have 6 to 6 in effect this week… Mo’ money mo’ money Mo’ money!. :triumph: That’s the real-deal overtime there.

*funny…back when I started with this job… I thought to myself that I’d never do the overtime or work on a Saturday…yeahhhh that changed around quickly when it was suddenly an option and I started thinking about how nicely that would add up on my paycheck. Money talks…things tend to change when the deal is suddenly on the table for real in your face.

Would these be considered “Sqwackas” or “Sqwonkies”?

Metal Mondays, BAND-MAID edition

This is what happens when you let people like Tekno Virus form a metal band :rofl:

@Hecatom wtf was that? Hell can I make up degrees and be taken seriously?

You’re forgetting how they’re charmed into that shit. Yes, there’s greed involved because they’re betting the farm on something, but that something has been shown (to them) to yield good returns at the point they go all in. Not saying it’s smart to put all your eggs in one basket, but most of the people conned see a very shiny and secure basket. Hell, I’m a fan, but the show wrenches my guts. Most of the victims are old people who worked their whole life and then lost their nest egg to some conman. I guess the fact that most of my relatives I care about are old is making that tug at my heart a bit.

That show should be required viewing though. It’s 90% ponzi schemes. Rarely do you get variety, like that lady who was running a horse show with state money or that dude who got merked for his comics. The show is so filled with ponzis you could spot the signs of one easy after just one season.

  • lip syncing
  • anime showtune inspired hard rock
  • costumes
  • Japanese guitarists
  • girl guitarists
  • Rickenbacker bass
  • repping Metal Mondays on Titty Tuesdays


/ 0

Hecatom posting metal that’s giving me life right now.

Goddamn tonight is now all about that band.

(comes back to Inuyasha getting the hate it deserves

Well at least you guys have good taste in that department)

I’m tempted to continue the rape in media discussion from last night by pointing out that Oz is kind of a bad a counterexample given there are at least two instances of “sudden rape” I can think of, but I’m more curious whether you’re finishing Tokyo Tribe at all or not at this point, @BB_Hoody. Are you?

I’m just going to make a note of this post so that we can all call you out it when he fucks it up harder than he fucked up bringing Indiana Jones back.

Still, I suppose it could be good so long as he keeps Lucas the hell away from it.

Lucas had nothing to do with Animaniacs.

Somewhat interesting to note Spielburg didn’t want to make Kingdom of the Crystal Skull either. Likes KotCS, and thinks its better then Temple of Doom but not as good as Raiders or Crusades

Band-Maid is excellent. You just a hater

I already knew about both points, but thanks. I’m just hoping that the first one continues given how much Lucas has screwed as of late even though the guy’s not the devil or anything.

Anyway, why the hate for Temple of Doom? You one of those people who hates Short Round in addition to the nigh-obligatory hatred towards Willie Scott?

Naw I love Short Round. He’s great. I fucking hate Willy tho. God I hate Willie what a useless, obnoxious, annoying character. Movie has the weakest narrative, and I also think the movie has weak villains, no one to really latch onto as an antagonist, not like you could Belloch or Vogel, and Elsa after the Heel Turn. Crystal Skull has a stronger more interesting villain as well in Spalko tho I do question the point of her being a psychic when the only time she attempts it fails, plus some other shit she proves to be pretty dumb about. Temple also has pretty bizarre pacing and story development, the ridiculous boat as a parachute scene and the AWFUL back screening of them sliding down the mountain on it (fuck that whole set of scenes are fucking awful). Everyone shits on that Fridge scene but no one has a problem with that retarded rubber boat shit? smh. CGI ants was pretty lame tho.

I like all these movies by the way, they are all fun rides imo with some being a lot better then others, Raiders and Crusades are fucking AMAZING and have a lot of good poignant moments and great character development while Doom and Crystal Skull are just good with Doom being the weakest of the 4. Raiders and Crusade imo have a l;ot of heart and passion in them, Doom and Crystal Skull are just fun adventure movies.

Edit: If I’m objective about it I would say the quality order is Raiders, Crusade, Crystal Skull, Temple of Doom.
My biased opinion tho is to switch Raiders and Crusade. Crusade is my absolute favorite adventure movie. Fantastic writing and directing, awesome action scenes and set pieces, and Jones Jr and Srs interactions run the gamut of hilarious to heartwarming and touching. Strongest character interactions in the whole series.

I think the point of her being psychic is the element of the supernatural that Jones is always dealing with in the movies. In this instance they went a bit closer to sci fi than religions. I think it suffered for it.

I’d be down for that and perfectly accepting of it if she hadn’t failed completely when she tried to do it. It’s supposed to be the thing she’s famous for, and I’m fine with it failing on Jones but she never does it to anyone else and succeeds that I can remember. Am i remembering wrong? She couldn’t even figure out that Jones crazy ass friend wanted a pencil…

Shes effective in other areas tho so I don’t mind her too much.

I actually like the lean towards science fiction myself and dig the aliens, not really sure why everyone hated that so much myself other then the shift to science fiction itself, but Jones books and games had done that before so maybe it was less jarring to me? Dunno.

i’m not hating. Japanese Rock/Metal is objectively awful. this isn’t an opinion.