SR-2K$ Lounge: How the hell does NuRK work?

You’ve come a long way, First Aid (bc this is the FIRST page lol)


Nizhoni Cooley, the greatness from the previous Sunday Bunday
The booty workouts begin at 6:43

is her hair bacon?

Shit looks more like laffy taffy than her booty does. :coffee:

That’s not how this thread works.

You are an irrelevant SFVer2016er on every page

They didn’t do one.
Of fake feets…? Manx getting catfished by fake feets. :worried:
Come on son, denounce white Jesus.

It aint the rise of edward butthole smell feets :cow:



so they gonna omit a major muscle group of women like that

the one connecting their thunder thighs to the ground?

50 years on 20~ but grannies are younger and younger from Shaft’s supa evidence, they messed that line up.

But our man Shatta’s brand lives on when chicks want that install.

but what abt her puci doe :coffee:


Fucked up a quote as I can’t seem to use the coding fml

Fuck me, I like seeing this girl in tights


yum yum yum, 11/10 would eat

Sup new Lounge.

What quantifies as a “fake” booty?

Pads or implants or pants that produce artificial shape.

Creations of lies.

Anything posted by a puerto rican ironically

Nizhoni would get the pounce-attack + maybe a salad-toss…also has one of the sexiest set of DSLs I’ve ever seen…definitely keeping tabs on this one. :sweat:

Joe Rogan on eating ass.

I get off of work and see the other lounge closed. What did Stocky do this time?

A girl that eats ass is a girl gets a pass!


don’t forget: Calfturday is 100% organic leg meat. :cool:

i want that cover.

Money Mondays

tenant said the air conditioner won’t cool off. gotta send a guy to see what’s up with all that. bank account is cryin :sweat:. good thing she starts regular payments on the 1st.

Yung Crimeman Guitar Cover Metal Mondays

Bonus Yung Crimeman Vid

godamn look at Ashley Mova on today’s Movie Talk (Collider channel)



She has The Glasses™ on today… the girl is outright ridiculous. :open_mouth:

…but that’s just 1 example of the hotness on that channel. They have a substantial lineup of good ones.