
^ Truth. Sup AK, where u been at? U don’t swing by CF anymore?

A couple of things…

On Spamming Assists:
Mandatory “I’ve been playing this game since release date on Dreamcast” disclaimer
I got some hate mail the other day. Some guy complained that I was spamming assists, and that I should not call assists more than 8-12 times per match…Really? I dont know where some people get these weird ideas from.
In Marvel 1 you picked your assist, and you had x number of times you could use it. After you run out, that’s it.
Now in Marvel 2, you can use your assists until they get killed. That is the game developers saying, there you go! Go crazy! So dont quote me any BS unwritten rules about how you can only assist x number of times because I will probably laugh at you.

On Ragequitting:
Hmm…That is a tough one. I admit to getting upset when I am winning a match and suddenly the opponent gets disconnected. First thing that comes to mind is “ragequit”. but it is possible your opponent is not ragequitting. Personally, I’ve been having a lot of issues with my internet provider this past month. Internet works fine, but it quits when you least expect it. Some days it doesnt quit at all, but others it quits ALL THE TIME. (Thanks Comcast!)
I love playing this game, and it is really upsetting when you are playing and the characters start teleporting accross the screen, and get painted orange, and then, I get disconnected from XBL.
My point is, while you may think “Man, I am so awesome that I am making these N00bs ragequit, lulz!” there is a slight chance that your opponent genuinely wanted to finish the match but had his connection dropped by stupid Comcast.

People that complain about spamming assist don’t know about dat double snapback.

I also noticed that a lot of scrubs online like to do Protocannon with IronMan out of the blue, mostly on assists. They suck with him for the most part, they just hope that the lag causes it to hit. Someone dropped on me the other day in a player match, just because I was able to gasp jump over it and punish.