Southwest SSF4 Endless Battle on PSN!

The weekly meet ups sound like a great idea. My PSN is b4llz1974. I don’t have a mic right now but I’ll be getting one soon.

I’ll throw my PSN up on the list, although I play more often on the 360.

PSN: ArikadOdakirA

Just a heads up, the PSN chatroom is text only, but it’s very well executed. Everyone has a spare usb keyboard lying around.

Headsets are a hassle, as they ONLY let you communicate with the people in your lobby and no one else, since it’s confined to the game, as opposed to the PSN network.

Added! Will send invite tonight!


I agree, I’ve never been a fan of the headset. Text chat room it shall be!

With as many people as there are, I’m sure we will end up having 2 or even 3 rooms on a big night, awesome!

Streaming is a retarded idea unless everyone’s internet is godlike. For the record… someone other than Parry should host the room. 4mb internet is not going to do it.

No need to shut down the idea like it was a disease shit, thus why I merely suggested it since I’ll be streaming other shit like local event and such. Merely suggested it to see if anyone was interested, no need to call in the lynch mob.

You do realize that YOU hosted that game? On your insistence?

You know what, I have no idea what your problem is. I host games all day, and I play online all day, with no problems.

For the record, Kurumster wouldn’t play with me unless I only made a room for 2 people, me and him. For the record, when I hosted he refused to play because he was getting yellow for the connection, dropped, then with him hosting it was also yellow, and really skippy.

For the record, the only skippy game I have had on SSF4 is with Kurumster. He actually saw the yellow and dropped, and told me to join his game, I never hosted a game we played.

I really don’t understand this shit Steve. You can’t keep blaming other people all the time for sucking at video games. It’s not healthy. Why do you think I would even make this thread if I couldn’t host games? You act like you want to play but you do backhanded silly stuff like this and it makes people not want to play with you. And you know it’s not just me. I don’t know if it’s a social thing or a mental thing but dude, seriously, I’m your friend, and I’m telling you, this is just a game.

EDIT: And of COURSE with multiple connections and a few rooms people will get the odd lame connection, thats just how it is. Hopefully with more than one room, and people, we can sort out who will be the best host after a few weeks of swapping it around to see what works best for everyone. I’ll just be sending out the invites if I’m there.

You know the easiest way to solve that problem? Come over and play and stop being a flake.

Thats not going to work either. I go and play kobe, and we had plans to play today but something came up. We already talked about this. You gotta stop trying to be this internet tough guy.

I’ll see you on IRC.

I got a headset to make life a little easier.

Dug around under my bed and found an old Palm Treo headset that worked lol.

lol turning into another LA drama thread…put me up there if you will thanks

add me to please. Im avaliable teus.

PSN = Slayer_Alex

Heads ups to whoever ends up in the same room I’m in, I will be recording the matches (not streaming).

With so many people, I’ll make a chat room a little before 7, then start inviting whoever is online, while checking the chat room, I’m guessing that with the chat room up, everyone who isn’t in the first ssf4 room can make the other ones. If someone would like to be a designated “2nd room starter” just add everyone on the list, or, if no one wants to bug with all that, I’ll simply make a room, leave when full, make another, leave when full, etc, depending on how many people/rooms we need.

Will add today :slight_smile:

I don’t mind joining up. PSN ID: pnutz409 I really have a lot to learn on this game.

Added :slight_smile: I’ll be making a chat room around 6:45 or so and inviting as I see people. When 7 comes around I’ll make the first room, 2nd room, so and and so forth as needed.

I will say that it DOES NOT MATTER WHO THE HOST IS. SSF4 does not work this way, it’s purely on a connection to connection basis, so please be patient as all of us get lag at some point or another. Also if you have a spare USB keyboard laying around, it does make the chat room a bit easier, but it’s not so bad without one (I do not use a keyboard).

I’ll be checking the thread for anyone else that wants to sign up all day today.

Looking forward to playing with you guys tonight!

GG’s to you guys! I learned more in 2 hours than I did all the time playing idiot randoms. I look forward to it next week! Sorry about the invite/room confusion, I have no idea slayer couldn’t get in even though there was an empty slot.

I also have no idea if there is a way to invite people to the game while specing.

I really enjoyed mc dulls blanka vs Analrapist’s cammy matches, good shit.

I guess “Analrapist” is me. lol
GGs tonight, mc has one hell of a nasty Balanka. Shame sbl21 came so late and we could only get 3 or so games in. I hope ya’ll injoyed playing against my shitty Makoto and my, slightly better but still pretty bad, Ibuki lol.

I don’t think its possible to invite while spectating but I could be wrong.

Edit: Cammy’s new Bison cosplay alt kicks ass!!

Yea it was fun. I overslept. :lol: gg though.