Southwest SSF4 Endless Battle on PSN!

Gah!!! I couldn’t get on. I had band practice moved on me to today, so I had to go. I’ll be back next week for sure.

ggs guys. i was eating so my control was greasy at first. then i had to leave to shoot hoops. i should be bugging my friend soon to dual mod my xbox stick for ps3.

I would not mind getting in on this guys. I do get tired of fighting random people and i’d like to improve my game :bgrin:

Should be back on this Tuesday… If i’m not too busy.

fuck parryperson

and fuck any thread with his seed

Awesome, will add before next session!

You need to see ZTI’s cammy now…

I love you to.

this Tuesday

my my boxer and naked silver guy should be there this tuesday!

games tonight :slight_smile:

I think i’ll make a guest appearence, save a spot for me!

Fo sho, if it gets around 7 people we split the room (make another), so no worries.

Remember guys, get in the chat room to request in! I check who’s online every chance I get and check the list and send out the invites. This also makes splitting rooms much easier so we don’t have people all flocking to one or another, and as I said before, makes it easier to invite you, since EVERYONE IN THE CHAT ROOM who is playing will see the request, so instead of waiting for my turn to come up for an invite, you can get one next match right away. This also makes it a lot easier to see who’s in what room/if people want to join a room with people if there aren’t any in the other.



People really don’t use the psn chats enough. It really does make things much simpler. I’ll be on tonight if BBCS doesn’t keep me too busy.:tup:

Yeah you can count me in tonight if I don’t forget :stuck_out_tongue: need to get back to leveling up for this weekend.

Stupid PSN update. :grrr:

hella gg’s to zti/pumpkin/iluvblkbootie

iluvblkbootie your seth is ballin’. Makes me want to learn him.

Ggs to everyone there, need to get worked up on the Honda matchup.

GGs to all. Wish I could’ve stayed a little longer but SFCCL matches were calling.


Blkbootie here, anyway we could split the rooms at 4-5 people instead of 7? I think it was half lag and half frustration, but the inclusion of 7 people and the chatroom actively running seemed to have an effect on my timing that I just couldn’t compensate for in the course of one game. :frowning: ohh and parry if you want tips for picking up seth just hit me up. I’m pretty good with theory I just suck at excecution lol.

No, simply because of this,

Someone in a room won’t ‘lag’ someone else. It’s all done server side, so more people doesn’t really mean more lag in game. Splitting a room at 4 to 5 would leave 2 people playing only each other forever, and I don’t think thats a good idea by any means.

The chat room shouldn’t be lagging anyone, and once you enter, you can leave and still get message updates on screen while in game.

Now, depending on who you play, the lag will indeed be very different. Sometimes 2 people can’t play each other, like me and one person, even though he’s in the same city. Any lag you experience will be on a person to person match basis.

I’ve noticed people saying there is lag while spectating, that is because specing is done differently. If you see skips while specing this does not really mean you will see this lag while playing either person.

If you have a bad connection with someone, it’s best to wait until he’s knocked off, wait for a room split, or just pass your turn by not hitting ready. Sucks but, ya do what ya gotta do.

I’ve had full rooms with people talking and the chat room running, with no effect to lag whatsoever.

I might hit you up on seth :slight_smile:

Actually 1 bad apple can ruin the bunch in this case. But the chat room shouldn’t have an effect.

My bad bout last night, power went out.