Southeast Pennsylvania players

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time to get back in the swing of things

King of Prussia meetups when?

Sigh We really need more players here. I can barely get one Marvel session a week. Nick, I don’t know how you handle the tournaments at the KoP Mall, but we need to get something going on a consistent basis. We’ve had three tournaments in fifteen months. I thought we would be doing better than that by now.

RIP :sad face:

You’re at schol. Andy left. Scha is leaving. Jimmy never responds to my texts.

I have no one. (sad crying face)

I haven’t even been able to get to xanadu in like 3 weeks. fucking grad school. I’m focusing more on skating than fighting

AE anyone?

Ehhh. Can’t stand that game right now. Tried getting back into it again, but I’m enjoying Tekken so much that I’m hating Street Fighter.

I know better than this but…ahem…VF anyone? LOL

I’m just copy/pasting what Nick posted in the facebook group.

Starting January 5th we will be hosting weekly casuals every Saturday at Comics and More in the King of Prussia Mall from 5:30PM-9:00 PM, the starting in Febuary we will be running monthly tournaments. It’s $5.00 to play to cover the overhead, if you can’t afford it let me know and I will cover you. Let’s make our scene grow! If anyone is interested in helping also let me know.

Everyone should start coming out to these.

this Saturday!

Hey all,

Friend of mine tipped me off to this thread – I’m from Wilmington, DE and I usually go to the Philly-area to play games with friends pretty often. I didn’t realize you guys were having meet ups at King of Prussia. I just wanted to get some information – is this on Friday or Saturday? Also, I don’t play too many Capcom games, but I definitely wouldn’t mind learning and playing some. If I were to bring a friend or two and a setup, would it be fine to setup either Arcana Heart 3 (my main game) and/or Chaos Code for people to play/try out?

Looking forward to hearing back from you guys! Thanks! :slight_smile:

It’s every Saturday from 5:30 to about 8:45 PM. Feel free to bring a setup and whatever games you want to play, we had about 4 set ups last time xbox & ps3 and people were playing various games.

This Saturday is our third day of casuals! Every Saturday from 5:30-8:45 at Comics and More in the King of Prussia Mall. It’s $5.00 to play. Come out, bring a setup and fight all of the streets!

Damn it’s an 1hour and a 1/2 ride each way for me to get there. Kinda rough for me, plus being old just doesn’t help much!

Hope this takes off! What is the normal head count (age range to) at one of these?

Week 1: 16 people
Week 2: 8 people (some people were at Apex)
Week 3: 3 people (I guess people went to SoCal regionals?)
Week 4: 2 people

Age range i’d say around 16-early 30’s

Saturday is hard for me because I work in North Jersey (Retail Management). Are you guys getting together during the week?